22 thoughts on “Does this beard make my face look fat?

    1. Sadly, I don’t think I look that great with just a mustache. It has no… power. That, and I think it makes me look like my father. šŸ™

      This might have been the last time I actually had just a mustache on my face:

      And this by chance wouldn’t be the same Patrick from AZ who won the mustache category at the National Beard and Mustache Championships, would it?

      1. Yes. And as reigning National Mustache Champion ™, I have a duty to boost the national mustache quotient whenever and wherever possible. My sash is on the line if I don’t.

  1. You look glorious. And CB’s comment resulted in tea being sprayed across the lounge as I read it.

  2. The fact you have your cheeks puffed out a bit might have something to do with it. I like the beard, it makes your face look hot.

  3. The edges of the grizzly goatee expand things a little. Maybe just a wee bit of trimming to neatly tidy things up would reduce your facial broadening?

  4. I love beards on men. It makes you look hot and sexy. The husbear is lucky to have such a hot man to come home to.

    1. I think most facial hair arrangements on men make them hotter.

      And thank you. I think he might know that, even though he has to be reminded from time to time. šŸ˜‰

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