I’m a little behind on this. I’ve been out of the blog reading loop for a couple weeks, so I’m playing catch up.
How “Spoish” are you?
…… is jolly good fun! (fill in the blank)
Tea, wine, or champagne?
What, no beer? Who made up this meme? Oh yeah, it was Spo. If I only had to pick from the three, I’d choose wine. It’s got alcohol.
How left handed are you?
I’m technically ambidextrous. I do most things with my left hand, with the exception of writing and tattooing.
The loudest item of clothing I have …………..
I don’t know that I have any clothing that has volume control. You’ve seen the pictures of me I post, right?
The Best Friend: who is s/he?
The Husbear. I think it would be rather difficult to have a marriage without the other half being one’s best friend. I also have a best friend outside of marriage too. That would be my buddy Mike.
I’d rather eat rats in Tewkesbury than……
give a public speech.
How many of these have you done?:
1. Been to an opera?
Not a proper one.
2. Read a novel by Dickens?
Sadly yes. I don’t get along well with Mr. Dickens. As a child, David Copperfield was not what I expected. There was no magic.
3. Drank Bourbon?
Hello? Gambrinous. It’s an earned title. 😉
4. Been to Key West?
Just as a child. And it was during the month of October, which is FantasyFest. I have interesting memories of lots of colorful people.
5. Visited The Stratford Festival of Canada?
The only thing I know about the word Stratford is that it has something to do with Shakespeare. And something about some global makeup company.
6. Spiders give you the heebie-jeebies?
I’m not a fan, but I don’t know that they give me the heebie-jeebies. That’s typically reserved for clowns and other painted-faces.
7. Been to Michigan?
Never. I know it’s somewhere north and east of where I live.
8. Rolled down a grass hill?
Grass. Yuck. Bugs live in it.
9. Ate Synder Pretzels?
I recognize the packaging, but I don’t recall specifically if I’ve eaten them.
10. Used the word “rubbish” in the past 30 days?
Not that I recall. I think the word I typically use to describe such things is the word “crap”.
11. Worn a bow tie?
Yes. Just recently. In Vegas. For the daughter’s wedding.
12. Have a set of Viking horns?
Sadly I do not. Yet. However they’re probably considered a dangerous weapon so I would legally not be allowed to posses said item.
Until next time...
Video games!
Not very much!
My Hilo Hattie Hawaiian shirt!
I’m my own best friend!
Use a public bathroom!
No opera!
Yes, Dickens!
Yes. Bourbon!
Yes, love Key West!
No Stratford!
Yes, spiders are very heebie-jeebies-filled!
Yes, Detroit. And Chelsea, home of Jiffy baking mixes!
Yes, stupid grass hill!
Yes, love Snyder’s pretzels!
No, no rubbish!
No, I look bad in bow-ties!
Yes, my Viking horns are plastic, and I won them in Las Vegas!
For some reason my brain translated “My Hilo Hattie Hawaiian shirt!” into “My Hello Kitty Hawaiian shirt!”. Which honestly would have been just as awesome.
Ok now you’re just spooking me with the whole similarities thing. Ambidextrous. Wow.
I’m telling ya, there’s some genetic relationship there we haven’t figured out yet.
I am truly honored you played along – thank you
I enjoyed your responses; you get a bonus point for the use of ‘proper’
“Proper” is a good word. I use it a lot. Properly.