Remember when I actually used to write words on this blog instead of just post pictures? Maybe I’ve run out of things to say. Or ways to say them. But at least I have pictures.
My 39th “12 of 12”. It’s Thursday.
The 12 of 12 Challenge was created by Chad Darnell and picked up from a number of random bloggers who then linked back to him and vice versa. Chad stopped doing the 12 of 12 links in December of 2011, but passed the torch to someone else who sadly hasn’t been keeping up with it. So as always, I’m giving my shout-out to Blobby of Blobby’s Blog as he is the one who inspired me to do it. And still does.
All pictures were taken with my iPhone 5.
Maybe I’ll do better at writing some words this month. Maybe.
Until next time...
Always remember: it’s Booo-kayyyyy!
Have you found the one place in the series where Hyacinth says BUcket! It is in an extended show about the two of them leaving on a cruise on the QE-2.
Take care, you will feel better before you know it.
Good pics this month. Esp the kitteh pics. As for ALL the brands of sea salt? did you mean the two?
Isn’t that label on pain meds that says “caution: alcohol may intensify effects” simply a serving suggestion?
Your kittehs are cuties. Hope your mouth is feeling better.
I hope you feel better soon.