Wednesday, February 24, 2016 at 11:13 am
I’m not sure about this new haircut. I think it moved me into “daddy” territory. *shudder*
[igp-video src=”” poster=”//” width=”500″ height=”500″ class=”aligncenter size-medium video”]
Yeah, you have that cigar-smoking, leather-wearing, nipple-clamp-loving territory 🙂
@alexoz Well, I’m more about smoking a pipe… ?
The pipe, or the rest of it? 😉
I just noticed that this thread has your old and new avatars. Only thing hotter than big bearded flattoped pipe smokin daddy is….all of the above with multiple personalities!
Not at all!! Looks fantastic!! Works well.
@tedsierak *blush* Thank you!
Especially with the big beard.
Pfft. Whatever. You look hot.
@splodey double *blush*
SGT Carter with a beard.. ☺
@mikesellars1 I’ll own that. ?
Oh but it looks stunning.
Thank you, good Spo.
Well let’s see, who else do we know that has a big beard and a hot flattop?
Oh that’s right me!
Your beard looks great! Woof!
You’re haircut is hot! Woof!
You’re handsome! Woof!
I’d give the look three woofs up!
Still trying to figure out if I take the daddy look as a compliment….?
Thank you on the three woofs up!
And you work the daddy look very well, so totally a compliment for you.
I’m just not mentally ready to be a daddy. 😉
One is never ready, one just must embrace. Thanks for z compliment.
Warning, stole your photo….
To make a dartboard from? 😉
One of these days I might be forced too… until then, I’ll keep getting told to act my age. 😀
Love the cut! Love the beard! Looks great @erikrubright
@planbear Thank you thank you. ?