I appear to be lifting a lot from Sharkboy as of late. This was a little challenging for me.
10 Things You Might Not Know About Erik:
- My surname really is Rubright. I didn’t make that up for blogging, or any other nefarious purpose. Although it would be a good porn name depending on how you pronounced it. The family pronunciation is “roo-brahyt”, and not “ruhb-rahyt”. I’m not really sure why the name isn’t pronounced “ruhb-rahyt” though. The surname was originally “Rubrecht”, but was changed by a great-great-something-or-other in the long ago when they came to America. “Right” translates from the German “recht”; not the right as in “right handed” but as in “correct.”
- I am extremely bashful.
- I have nightmares almost every night I sleep. I awaken startled, covered in sweat, or totally exhausted. Sometimes all three. I’ve also had a singular recurring nightmare since I was a young teenager. It involves stepping stones, looking for one of my brothers, finding him ripped in half at the waist, but still alive.
- I’m very uncomfortable in my own skin.
- I went to religious schools starting in the fifth grade, continuing all the way through college. Fifth grade was at a Baptist school; the remaining were Church of Christ.
- I don’t know how to take a compliment. Positive feedback fucks me up because I don’t know what to do with it.
- I was a licensed massage therapist in Arkansas. It was absolutely mind-numbing for me. That, and I seriously had a difficult time with people asking for “happy endings” all the time.
- I am very puritanical when it comes to sex. Well, sex involving me. Which might explain why I was a virgin until I was 23.
- I am an Eagle Scout. I say “am” because I believe once you earn it, you always are one. Sadly, BSA, Inc. has made some stupid choices over the years regarding who can be in Scouts. I started Scouting as a Cub Scout when I was 7, and was in Scouting until I was a little over 18. I learned a lot, and was able to teach a lot. I miss it.
- I know just enough about many things to be dangerous. But I’m wise enough not to be. Most of the time. Then it’s bad. Really bad.
Until next time...
Good post! My son will have his Eagle Scout Ceremony later today. I married an Eagle Scout. You’re right, once an Eagle Scout, always an Eagle Scout.
Church of Christ is scary. Congratulations for surviving.
I saw your post on Twitch receiving his Eagle Scout rank. Congratulations to him. And congratulations to you and Superman as well! It takes a lot of parental support and encouragement.
And as for the Church of Christ. The demons they placed in my head are still there. I’m just learning how to lock them into little boxes.
So, what makes you comfortable. Seriously. Take away all the easy puns and mandatory comments about JJ’s or going to Jane. What makes you comfortable, relaxed, content?
Its mandatory to comment about JJ’s? 🙂
I seriously don’t know. Time for a little more introspection.
maybe 3, 4 and 6 are because of 5…? 😉
Now that you said that, I’m fairly sure that #5 definitely had a large negative impact on my psychological development. That, in tandem with being forced to go to church three times a week.
I am sorry about the nightmares; how pesky to be tormented so.
I hope you learn to receive compliments this year – you deserve no less.
Thank you spo. I hope I learn as well!