How weird it is that here, in podunk Arkansas, the Blue Man Group spent about a month getting ready for their Fall 2010 U.S. National Tour. The Husbear and I got tickets to see their final performance here in Fayetteville on Saturday night.
It was good.
I say “good”, but it was actually a great show. And what I expect to see when I see the Blue Man Group.
But it wasn’t a new show, which is what I was hoping for. Sadly, there was very little new content. It was mostly a mashup of old content that can be seen at any of their currently playing shows in the likes of Orlando, Las Vegas, Chicago, etc., and from their “How to Be a Megastar” concert tour, which I highly recommend seeing on DVD.
There were two memorable new(er) pieces: the GiPad routine, and the Bootyshaker. The GiPad routine was actually a new twist on a shtick they had already done. They performed a bit of it on Regis and Kelley at the end of July:
The Bootyshaker was an extremely interesting and entertaining finale. Lots of crowd participation, and so many new words for my posterior that I had never even heard of. Plus ginormous balls were involved! That pulsated. And were bounced around the auditorium.
I recommend you go see the Blue Man Group if they happen to be in your neck of the woods. You’ll have a good time. Even if you’ve seen them before, go see them again.
I sound like a really bad commercial now, don’t I?
Until next time...
“Please grab the balls around you, whether large or small, and gently maneuver them towards the front.”
Such a publicly encouraged opportunity was worth the price of admission! 😉 We had a great time!
We had a great evening out with you and MAG. We’ll have to do that again soon!