22 thoughts on “Fascination

  1. OK at first I really thought this was you…I LOVE this whole composition…I seriously want it printed, framed and hung in my house.

  2. So I get to the theater and start my routine; make the coffee, start setting the props, etc., and greet my BFF as he applies his face and he starts in with his usual,

    “Oh. My. GOD, Drew. You wouldn’t BELIEVE the man I hooked up with yesterday! So. Fucking. Hot!”

    “Yeah, yeah yeah”, I think to myself. “ANOTHER one?”

    Bastard. Fennel has more hot, nasty sex than anyone I know, AND, with some of THE most amazing men in the Bay Area.

    Jealous much?

    You betcha.

    “He’s a photographer” he tells me. “Check out the picture he sent me” he says and pulls out his phone:


    “You fucking bastard” is all I can muster. I’ve seen Nick’s pictures around the interwebs.

    Yes, Erik – fascination. Total fascination.

    *sigh* Daddy needs to get laid.

    BTW, I am also in agreement: would lurve to see/own/hang a Rubright version (confession: both you and the Husbear give my heart the palpitations)!

  3. Okay, now that I’m done touching myself…my only complaint is the über-manscaped chest hair, but that’s easily forgiven in my fantasy.


    Usually, it’s drag queens, but hit the link below and check out the screen capture and see who (whom?) Facebutt suggests “People You May Know”


    NOFUCKINGWAY, right?!

    I’m TOTALLY not gonna friend him. What do you guys think? Should you “friend” someone, JUST because they had sex with your bestie?

    (if that’s the way real life worked, I’d have a BAJILLION friends)

    PS. Sorry to take up your bandwidth, Erik, but this was too crazy not to pass up. Maybe someday I’ll get inspired again and restart my blog(s). I love yours. And Sean’s. Yours too, cb.

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