8 thoughts on “And the dashboard says…

  1. If it’s a geek thing, I don’t know why I don’t get it. Unless it’s a reference to phreaking hertz or the Atari.

  2. Well, I’m going to take another stab at it in case it’s not as esoteric as I think it is, since I initially thought the same thing as the guy above me. Is it about Odo from DS9?

  3. @Ron:
    A little of both… and then there’s the magazine title referencing the same.

    I didn’t know the symbolic Odo reference. I’ll have to go dig that one up.

    2600 is a hacking magazine. I use the term “hacking” loosely, as it covers a variety of topics.

    And then there’s the “66”, which I didn’t notice until I saw the picture later. It’s just 1 character short of being my favorite number.

    Oh, and actually the car is in Drive. The “P” always has that stupid outline around it. The “D” is fully highlighted (bottom left corner). I really hate the layout and design of the display on the Prius… but that’s for another post.

    I’m glad at least a few people out there get it. I was beginning to think I was just wired way different.

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