Yeah… this happens.
I notice it more in the cold months than I do in the warm months.
And more as I get older. Probably because there are more accumulated events as I go.
Until next time...
//updated from summary to summary_large_image
Yeah… this happens.
I notice it more in the cold months than I do in the warm months.
And more as I get older. Probably because there are more accumulated events as I go.
Until next time...
Happened to me just last night as I was falling asleep.
The good news: anything not happening in the present moment is just a story. We are the only creatures on earth who punish ourselves for the mistakes we make. We’re also the only creatures on earth who punish ourselves over the stories we write in our heads and the meaning we assign to those stories. They have no meaning other than the meaning we give them.
And we do it over and over and over …
Happens all the time….
I stopped tormenting myself years ago. I finally convinced myself that everyone makes mistakes and I wasn’t going to beat myself up over then UNLESS I had bee intentionally unkind which I think happens very rarely. Then I try to make amends and do feel remorse. But when it’s over, it has to be over. Carrying guilt around unnecessarily helps nobody.
I struggle with the exact same thing at this time of year. Sometimes it’s good to at least know that you’re not alone with these kinds of thoughts. Some say more vitamin D helps.
I think this is one of the worst “cases” of it that I remember. And winter is just starting…
It’s just too damn dark all the time. I get up in the dark. After work I shop in the dark. Cook in the dark. Chores in the dark. I HATE IT.
It happened to me at 2AM :-/
Your dreams will get increasingly more bizarre the older you get too. Something else no one ever warns you about.
I’m hosed then. My dreams are already so bizarre…
Oh, thank goodness, I thought I was the only one. And it seems to happen when I’m trying to fall asleep. Arrgh!
that is SO not just you. If that makes you feel better.
I spend a lot of my day instructing people how to stop doing this; it is an ubiquitous and annoying occurrence, yes.