Category Archives: Meme

12 of 12, August 2015 Edition

My 44th “12 of 12!” I was home sick today. So, you’re getting a whole lot of fauna pictures apparently. I’m not sure what’s going on with me, other than some tummy troubles.

The 12 of 12 Challenge was created by Chad Darnell and picked up from a number of random bloggers who then linked back to him and vice versa. Chad stopped doing the 12 of 12 links in December of 2011, but passed the torch to someone else who sadly hasn’t been keeping up with it. So as always, I’m giving my shout-out to Blobby of Blobby’s Blog as he is the one who inspired me to do it. And still does.

All pictures were taken with my iPhone 6.

10:19 AM: I'm just awake, not feeling well, and Luna is needing to go potty. After two snake bites, she just can't learn to not go sticking her nose under rocks, apparently.
10:19 AM: I’m just awake, not feeling well, and Luna is needing to go potty. After two snake bites, she just can’t learn to not go sticking her nose under rocks, apparently.
10:35 AM: milli doing whatever it is that milli does.
10:35 AM: milli doing whatever it is that milli does.
1:21 PM: Someone needed to go outside again. Or at least that's how she was treating it. So I'm resting under the pergola while I wait.
1:21 PM: Someone needed to go outside again. Or at least that’s how she was treating it. So I’m resting under the pergola while I wait.
1:35 PM: Attempting to eat. Basic chicken.
1:35 PM: Attempting to eat. Basic chicken.
2:08 PM: They just lay there all day long apparently.
2:08 PM: They just lay there all day long apparently.
2:34 PM: Luna needed to go outside yet again. Apparently to just lay there.
2:34 PM: Luna needed to go outside yet again. Apparently to just lay there.
2:36 PM: An exercise in futility. Trust me.
2:36 PM: An exercise in futility. Trust me.
3:57 PM: Post-shower. Still don't feel awesome. And the hair needs some work.
3:57 PM: Post-shower. Still don’t feel awesome. And the hair needs some work.
5:00 PM: Today's tomato yield from the garden. And an egg.
5:00 PM: Today’s tomato yield from the garden. And an egg.
6:40 PM: The son-in-law and daughter over for a brief visit. And to look at the new addition, Duchess.
6:40 PM: The son-in-law and daughter over for a brief visit. And to look at the new addition, Duchess.
8:52 PM: milli deciding my lap is more comfortable that the couch?
8:52 PM: milli deciding my lap is more comfortable that the couch?
9:39 PM: One of the jars of pickles from the Husbear's first batch in July. Maybe I'm pregnant?
9:39 PM: One of the jars of pickles from the Husbear’s first batch in July. Maybe I’m pregnant?
Baker's Dozen: 9:41 PM: I walked by the mud room leaving the kitchen, and this is what I see.
Baker’s Dozen: 9:41 PM: I walked by the mud room leaving the kitchen, and this is what I see.

Until next time...

12 of 12, July 2015 Edition

My 43rd “12 of 12!”

The 12 of 12 Challenge was created by Chad Darnell and picked up from a number of random bloggers who then linked back to him and vice versa. Chad stopped doing the 12 of 12 links in December of 2011, but passed the torch to someone else who sadly hasn’t been keeping up with it. So as always, I’m giving my shout-out to Blobby of Blobby’s Blog as he is the one who inspired me to do it. And still does.

All pictures were taken with my iPhone 6.

12:12 AM: Someone likes me feet. And shoes.
12:12 AM: Someone likes me feet. And shoes.
10:57 AM: The Husbear, mowing the lawn. It's a two day affair.
10:57 AM: The Husbear, mowing the lawn. It’s a two day affair.
11:01 AM: Adding in a lighting surge suppressor/arrester at the NID. Last Thursday night, lightning once again hit the house, and blew out a bunch of electronics. *ugh*
11:01 AM: Adding in a lighting surge suppressor/arrester at the NID. Last Thursday night, lightning once again hit the house, and blew out a bunch of electronics. *ugh*
11:32 AM: milli sunning herself in the laundry room.
11:32 AM: milli sunning herself in the laundry room.
12:25 PM: Post-shower bathroom selfie. Covering up my jiggly bits.
12:25 PM: Post-shower bathroom selfie. Covering up my jiggly bits.
12:45 PM: Getting a sweet tea at my local watering hole... Sonic!
12:45 PM: Getting a sweet tea at my local watering hole… Sonic!
5:03 PM: I had a tattoo appointment that I scheduled for today. We aren't quite finished, but this is where we got today.
5:03 PM: I had a tattoo appointment that I scheduled for today. We aren’t quite finished, but this is where we got today.
5:13 PM: Some of today's colors...
5:13 PM: Some of today’s colors…
5:35 PM: The Husbear sent me to the store for a strange item. And here I just thought it was an insult.
5:35 PM: The Husbear sent me to the store for a strange item. And here I just thought it was an insult.
6:14 PM: What is it with kittehs and boxes?
6:14 PM: What is it with kittehs and boxes?
6:39 PM: The Husbear sitting down for dinner. We eat on the couch. Maybe it's a Southern thing?
6:39 PM: The Husbear sitting down for dinner. We eat on the couch. Maybe it’s a Southern thing?
8:04 PM: One of the tomato patches. We've gotten a few already, and they're tasty!
8:04 PM: One of the tomato patches. We’ve gotten a few already, and they’re tasty!
Baker's Dozen: 10:27 PM: The dead electronics from the past Thursday. The insurance company will be getting a phone call tomorrow.
Baker’s Dozen: 10:27 PM: The dead electronics from the past Thursday. The insurance company will be getting a phone call tomorrow.

Until next time...

12 of 12, June 2015 Edition

My 42nd “12 of 12!” A somewhat coincidental number. At least in a few days it will be. But I’m being vague.

The 12 of 12 Challenge was created by Chad Darnell and picked up from a number of random bloggers who then linked back to him and vice versa. Chad stopped doing the 12 of 12 links in December of 2011, but passed the torch to someone else who sadly hasn’t been keeping up with it. So as always, I’m giving my shout-out to Blobby of Blobby’s Blog as he is the one who inspired me to do it. And still does.

All pictures were taken with my iPhone 6.

I woke up late, and then felt panicked and rushed until about 4PM today. I’ve been behind on getting artwork completed for upcoming appointments. So I wasn’t really focused on taking pictures. Which is unusual for me, but par for the course when I’m frantic.

1) 10:57 AM: This light. Ugh. Takes forever. But I prefer to make a left turn into traffic at a light instead of a right across traffic with no light.
1) 10:57 AM: This light. Ugh. Takes forever. But I prefer to make a left turn into traffic at a light instead of a right across traffic with no light.
2) 11:19 AM: Some of the items on my bookcase above my drawing desk.
2) 11:19 AM: Some of the items on my bookcase above my drawing desk.
3) 12:23 PM: Fleshing out a client (and buddy)'s tattoo idea. I don't think he'll like this one, but I thought I'd give it a shot.
3) 12:23 PM: Fleshing out a client (and buddy)’s tattoo idea. I don’t think he’ll like this one, but I thought I’d give it a shot.
4) 2:38 PM: Some of the items on one of the shelves in my tattoo room.
4) 2:38 PM: Some of the items on one of the shelves in my tattoo room.
5) 2:56 PM: My back is bothering me. I needed something for it. This was in the first aid kit in the salon. I didn't even know they made Anacin anymore!
5) 2:56 PM: My back is bothering me. I needed something for it. This was in the first aid kit in the salon. I didn’t even know they made Anacin anymore!
6) 6:19 PM: Kylie the birthday girl (and my buddy's girlfriend) and her new tattoo.
6) 6:19 PM: Kylie the birthday girl (and my buddy’s girlfriend) and her new tattoo.
7) 7:33 PM: My buddy Patrick getting his collar rocker. Well, the start of it. ;-)
7) 7:33 PM: My buddy Patrick getting his collar rocker. Well, the start of it. 😉
8) 8:18 PM: I somehow coordinated my undies to match my outies.
8) 8:18 PM: I somehow coordinated my undies to match my outies.
9) 8:29 PM: Those salon girls and guys! Can't even move the towels out of the dryer and the wet ones from the washer into the dryer. *sigh*
9) 8:29 PM: Those salon girls and guys! Can’t even move the towels out of the dryer and the wet ones from the washer into the dryer. *sigh*
10) 8:42 PM: My friendly watering hole. Meeting the birthday girl and my buddy for a beverage.
10) 8:42 PM: My friendly watering hole. Meeting the birthday girl and my buddy for a beverage.
11) 8:45 PM: And we're on the patio. It's not a hot night, but it's sticky/muggy out.
11) 8:45 PM: And we’re on the patio. It’s not a hot night, but it’s sticky/muggy out.
12) 11:02 PM: Sweet tea. Because I have to be a good boy and work early in the morning Saturday. But come Saturday night...
12) 11:02 PM: Sweet tea. Because I have to be a good boy and work early in the morning Saturday. But come Saturday night…

Until next time...

Pic a Day in May: May 31, 2015

And, it’s the last day of May, so it’s the last of the “Pic a Day in May” photos.

Today I spent most of the day doing chores around the house. One of them being cleaning the gutters.

My mind is in here somewhere...
My mind is in here somewhere…

I really dislike heights.

Jim, formerly of Jim’s Stuff, started the “Pic a Day in May” challenge three years ago. I’ve done it each year, and will continue since that’s all I pretty much post these days. The only other bloggers that I’m aware of who are also doing this are Blobby of Blobby’s Blog and Patrick of Pac’s Pad.

Until next time...

Pic a Day in May: May 30, 2015

Our buddy Ross is traveling for work, so I’m checking in on his cat while he’s out.

*le meow*
*le meow*

She’s a talkative thing.

Jim, formerly of Jim’s Stuff, started the “Pic a Day in May” challenge three years ago. I’ve done it each year, and will continue since that’s all I pretty much post these days. The only other bloggers that I’m aware of who are also doing this are Blobby of Blobby’s Blog and Patrick of Pac’s Pad.

Until next time...

Pic a Day in May: May 29, 2015

I was going to take a picture of the rain, since it’s done that pretty much non-stop since we returned from Chicago this past weekend.

Instead, I present to you Mother Nature’s wrath. Or at least her dislike of electronics. We’ve had incredible lightning here with all this rain. Unfortunately, a strike nailed our phone line somewhere down the line, which then took out the DSL modem. Which then took out the built-in network router. Which then traveled to the other wired network components and took them out: the Roku, the Blu-Ray player, and the A/V Receiver. Not to mention the DSL modem/router itself.


*le sigh*

Jim, formerly of Jim’s Stuff, started the “Pic a Day in May” challenge three years ago. I’ve done it each year, and will continue since that’s all I pretty much post these days. The only other bloggers that I’m aware of who are also doing this are Blobby of Blobby’s Blog and Patrick of Pac’s Pad.

Until next time...