Magazine Publishers:
Why should I pay more than the cover price for an electronic copy of your mag? You just don’t get it, do you? And how about giving me the option to switch from paper to electrons?
Even if you just publish straight to ebook/pdf, you still have all the money you made from selling those ads that take up a good third of the magazine.
Or better, you can insert ads into the magazines electronically based on location of the reader for premium money from the advertisers.
As of 08/19, one magazine, PEOPLE, seems to somewhat understand:
PEOPLE magazine is now available for iPad. The application is free to download, but each issue is a $3.99 in-app purchase. However, if you are a subscriber to the print version of PEOPLE, you get the iPad version for free! Unfortunately, there is not a subscription model in place with the app. So subscribing to strictly the iPad version is not an option.
Unfortunately I don’t subscribe to PEOPLE iTunes link]. But I do subscribe to several other magazines.
Book Publishers:
How about letting me trade in the paper books I have already purchased for an electronic version? Without having to purchase the book again in electronic form.
To all you publishers:
Follow a set standard. No matter how much I like what you publish, I WILL NOT buy a specialty reader just to read your content.
Okay, I’m done bitching. For the moment.
Until next time...
See… that’s exactly my problem. Why can’t I just pay the paper subscription price and get the magazine digitally… WITHOUT being sent a paper copy that I’m just going to throw away.
Granted, this is a better solution than forcing people to pay full cover price for each magazine/comic/whatever… but not by much.
You could get that paper version of People and give it to the husbear for the salon. 🙂 I know at least a few customers would would read it.
We actually do. I forgot about it until the Husbear handed me the renewal form.
check this program out –
you can download pretty much anywhere and convert it to be read on your ipad. I use it for my nook, i have it convert books i buy off of sights like or
as for the paper books, good luck with that.
and for not having a subscription model for the ipad, that is just stupid.
Thanks. I actually have used calibre a few times to convert some text documents to eBook format. It’s a great tool!
I want an iPad!
Perhaps the publishers are in some dark league with paper sellers who are fearing they will lose business.