Monday, June 8, 2015 at 4:31 pm
Eat the Husbear’s chicks and die… after he quit screaming like a little girl.
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And Woof!
Oh my. What happened?
@sharkboytoronto A large snake was eating the eggs and the baby chicks. And the Husbear almost reached in and grabbed it without seeing it.
damn! What kind of snake? Scary
@mercadoca Sadly, a black snake. We normally relocate them instead of killing them. But this one made the Husbear have a bad day.
Yeah, that’s totally understandable. likely would’ve been back for a second helping.
@mercadoca That was probably the 8th or 9th helping….
Argh sorry! I would have smashed it with that splitter too!
The stuff of nightmares. Ugh.
I would have screamed and then had to change pants because of the mess I would have made in them.
@nwarachel He may have had too. ?
Wow! It’s HUGE!
And that’s a really big snake.