I actually get the complaints about hair getting in the way as well, that’s why I don’t let my mustache grow as long as I used to. The husbear likes to see the top edge of my lip.
How very … Punk Amish.
Kinda looks hot 🙂
But … I shave mine for no one. I made that mistake ONCE; for ME it was a mistake, not saying that would be for anyone else. For me, Never again.
Why would *someone* complain just about the moustache???
Someone (i.e., @theHusbear) was complaining that he couldn’t taste my upper lip because the hair got in the way.
I actually get the complaints about hair getting in the way as well, that’s why I don’t let my mustache grow as long as I used to. The husbear likes to see the top edge of my lip.
That’s how mine is too! The problem is, once I shave it up to that level, I look like freaking John Waters.
It would take me 4 months to grow that mustache.
Me too. Kind of. It takes about that long to get all filled in at least.
Are you sure he doesn’t just want to give you a…um…”milk” mustache?
That’ll be the day. He’s not an… oral kind of guy.
I too say grow it back.
I’m undecided. I like the mustache, but keeping it short enough so the Husbear can feel my lip makes it look pencil thin.
How very … Punk Amish.
Kinda looks hot 🙂
But … I shave mine for no one. I made that mistake ONCE; for ME it was a mistake, not saying that would be for anyone else. For me, Never again.
Punk Amish, eh? I think that’s a whole new one to me!
The Husbear is the only person I would shave mine for. Although it’s usually me doing because I had a trimming incident.