Saturday, September 13, 2014 at 3:05 pm
Something I don’t understand about religious iconography, especially with Christianity and crosses: do you really think when your savior comes back for you he will appreciate seeing the torture device he was nailed to and died upon? And you remembering him for that? And just when does it cross over into idolatry?
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I suppose you have a lot of ‘what on earth are they thinking?’ reactions when a client/patient tells you what they want?
Very true. I think it’s helped me hone my poker-face.
Love your mind!
Aren’t tattoos considered a sin anyway? I think it’s in Leviticus- the some gospel that gets spewed forth every time zealots decry homosexuality. Just crazy really. PS, if I get to hell before you I’ll save you some kick arse seats.
I too enjoy way you think.
Idolatry, yes it definitely can cross that line as I see it. I am puzzled as how the ones that seem to cross the line don’t seem to get the actual message. To me the message of a messenger is the important part, not the messenger.
You would think that the symbol would be the open tomb, right, to focus on the resurrection, right? But no. Let’s go with the Mel Gibson images. In Europe, the crucifixes are especially grisly.
Never Forget.
So I’m looking to come in tomorrow to see you about a tattoo idea that involves a verse.. Is this the same idea? Will you not enjoy putting a verse on me? love your work, Erik. Look forward to meeting you @erikrubright
@tommynance Well, lettering is a little different… And thank you! Look forward to meeting you as well!