Tag Archives: A Trip Around The Sun

Anniversaries, Birthdays, and other things that happen once a year or so.

For my Husbear on our 11th Anniversary

Happy 11th Anniversary, my Husbear.

Happy Anniversary

I love you more than you will ever know.

An idea I totally stole from an image in a Google search.

From then…

Us in 1998
Oldest picture I could find of us together, circa February 1998.

Through now…

Us in 2008
Almost the newest picture I could find of us together, circa June 7, 2008.

… and into the future.


I love you.

Until next time...

June 17

Today marks my 35th revolution around the sun after having been expelled from the womb into this wonderful place we call “reality”.


Today, June 17, 2008, also marks the day same-sex couples are able to legally get married in California. I guess technically they started last night. Hopefully this will “stick” this time.

I’m sure more events of greater importance than my expulsion from a huge, gaping vagina happened today as well, but I’m rather Erik-centric. I do find it funny that today was the Battle of the Rosebud.

Until next time...