Tag Archives: Electronic Toys… er… Tools

Incommunicado New Year

It looks like we survived the change of the calendar into a new year. I hope you all had a non-eventful day!

I’ve been without Internet at home for the last week. Internet access on my primary computer, that is. Which has really thrown me behind. I’ve got 167 blog entries to read from you guys that have blogs that I follow, not counting all the tech and tattoo blogs. And maybe some tumblr porn too.

It may take me some time to catch up….

Until next time...

Stupid Pogoplug

This post is more a note to myself, just in case I have to repeat this process again.

And it might be interesting to anyone who’s geeky enough to understand it. 😉

Sometime ago, I had purchased a Pogoplug. It’s basically a network device that lets you plug in USB drives and access them from any computer.

It’s a great idea, but the Pogoplug implementation of it is extremely poor. Extremely.

All access to any drives plugged into it goes through their servers, even when I just wanted to access files locally on my LAN.

Which makes it so fraking SLOW!

Which is not what I wanted. But that’s what I get for buying it and not a real NAS in the first place.

So I started looking for OS replacement alternatives for the Pogoplug. And I found one!

I followed the instructions here and installed a flavor of linux on the Pogoplug.

And then I installed samba.

The only problem I noticed with it was that the LED on the front of it continually blinked. Which I fixed by editing /etc/rc.local. Because the model I have is slightly different that what the main install distro has (currently), I had to use use this path instead: /usr/local/cloudengines/bin/.

A little more info.

And since I’m a n00b at *nix, and I don’t really know samba at all, I had to reference help here and here.

And now everything is up and running fine. And FAST! And I can now see my porn from any computing device in the house. 😉

Until next time...

I’ve Moved!

Well, the digital me has at least. If you can see this, then my move from my old web host to the new web host went well.

Back in October, I discovered my current web host was going out of business. I asked for recommendations, which many of you offered. Based on J.P.’s recommendation, I ended up choosing MacHighway. While I’m not a Mac guy in any way, I do like the fact that the servers are wind powered.

I first moved a couple of my “static” business websites over to them to see how that went. After not seeing any real issues, I decided I’d take the big leap and move this site over to them as well.

Which was a little more challenging.

MacHighway has excellent documentation on moving from one host to another, and all the things you need to do to make it work. I ended up having issues with both methods they document for moving WordPress sites, so I ended up doing it my own way. Which worked. 😉

As I write this post, I see a few minor things I need to figure out what’s going on with. But for the most part everything looks like it survived the move.

Until next time...

I’m looking for a new web host

My web host bitServe, who I’ve always loved, recommended countless times, and have never had any problems with at all, posted this on their front page:

bitServe has ceased operations. Paid subscribers will be provided hosting service through December 31, 2011 in lieu of a refund.

I don’t know when they posted this, but I was taken by surprise, especially considering I don’t recall receiving any email about that from them.

Which means my hunt begins for a new web host which to move all the domains I own over to, including my blog. /joy

It’s been a long time since I had to go hunting for a web host.

My basic requirements are PHP 5 support, Perl support, MySQL database support, FTP and telnet access, and some sort of admin control panel.

Do any of my readers have any recommendations? Who do you use, or who do you know that I should avoid?

Until next time...


Don’t ask me why I was thinking about this today, but I was. Probably because I’m slightly morbid. That, and I tend to dwell on stuff like this.

But I am surprised that Apple doesn’t have an option to include an ICE number on the iPhone’s Emergency Call screen.


Considering most “sane” people set a PIN/passcode to lock their iPhone, no responder would be able to access your contact information. So if you’ve labeled someone in your contacts with ICE, the responder is never going to see it.

If you search in the App Store, there are a bunch of apps that let you input your ICE information. But again, they don’t really do any good if you iPhone is locked.

Some of these apps give you the ability to output your information in the form of a picture that you can set as your wallpaper on your lock screen. Lame. But in reality it’s really the only solution at present. Short of not locking your phone.

Why has this ability not been added? After all, it’s been 4 years since Apple first released the iPhone, and we’re up to iOS 5. Has this request not ever been suggested? Hey Apple Inc., how about making the ICE button an option? It seems like this would be a little something that would make a lot of emergency responders (and the people they’re responding too) lives a lot easier.

Or I could just carry a card in my wallet with that information on it.

Until next time...