This is my 58th “12 of 12.” A Wednesday.
Until next time...
This is my 58th “12 of 12.” A Wednesday.
Until next time...
This is my 57th “12 of 12.” A Monday.
I was supposed to work today, but went to bed early not feeling that great, and woke up this morning feeling even worse. So I rescheduled my appointment, started some antibiotic regimen for my ear infection, and laid around the house for the most part. Hence most pictures coming from one of several vantage points, and some from close times.
Until next time...
I really have no words…
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This is my 55th “12 of 12.” A Tuesday. We got home yesterday evening from our July walkabout, so it’s a “down day” to get things in order before we return to our regularly scheduled lives.
No “plus one” this month. I’ve got a pile of stuff to do still before tomorrow starts…
Until next time...
Dang. It’s hard to believe it has been 19 years since we first met in person. 19 years that I wouldn’t trade away. We’ve come a long way, and done so much together.
I love you with all my being, my wonderful Husbear.
Until next time...
This is my 54th “12 of 12.” A Sunday. A very sad Sunday. The attack in Orlando early this morning still has me rattled. The family and friends I have in the area have all been accounted for, but for a lot of people that’s not the case.
Until next time...