Tag Archives: Randomness

Random Bits

The Husbear has been in bed almost all day today, with the exception of getting up a few times to throw up out of either the top end or his bottom end. I think he’s got the flu.


In the old days, we had a bell that we could put near the bed and ring when we needed something. Today, we have text messaging.


Aren’t moonbeams technically sunbeams? After all, it’s just reflected sunlight since the moon itself isn’t doesn’t emit light.


What did I do before I had AirPlay? Especially since the receiver we has is AirPlay compatible? I can stream music and movies from my computer or my iPhone or my iPad directly to the receiver.


Our buddy Dwayne moved into his new home here in Northwest Arkansas last night. We are glad he’s now living here in the area, and we’re glad he’s living close to us.


I’m woefully behind on reading blogs. Well, some blogs. I’m using the shotgun approach to reading, and it’s not seeming to do me very well.


I should just change my voicemail greeting to “Please hang up and text me.” I hate talking on the phone.


My wounds from the glass shattering are healing nicely. As is the spider bite on my butt.


When two men marry each other does anyone change their last name?


Sometimes there aren’t enough hours in a day. Actually there’s enough hours, I just need to better manage my time.


Has anyone actually ever tried to herd cats?


Until next time...

Blog Start?

I was trying to figure out when I started blogging, and I’m at a total loss. I think mostly because it depends on how one defines “blogging”.

My first post with “automated” blogging software was on November 29, 2007. But that’s not when I started what I consider to be blogging.

Before that I was hand-coding HTML here on erikrubright.com back to March 15, 2007 when I purchased the domain name. And before that the precursor to this site was robertanderik.com, which dated back to at least November 28, 2000. (Most of those entries have been migrated to this blog.)

Then there was the AOL-based “diary” website I coded before that. Yes, AOL. That dated back to sometime around 1996 or so.

Or what about the online “diary” of sorts I had on my first ISP, cswnet.com, back in college around 1993? All hand coded HTML. Way back in the days before the World Wide Web was very graphical at all. Do you remember Lynx?. Sadly, most of those zeroes and ones have been lost to wherever electrons went to die in those days.

I guess I’ve been plying with HTML for longer than I care to admit.

Maybe I’ll just say my blog is in a perpetual state of unbirthdayness with no real start date. Sometimes it’s just hard to pin down a “first”. As opposed to being pinned by your first. 😉

Happy unbirthdayness to my blog!

Until next time...