Tag Archives: robertanderik.com Archives

Archives pulled from my static entries on robertanderik.com

The Downstairs Bedroom

We were going to do the downstairs bathroom next, however we have skipped it and started working on the downstairs bedroom. Since we have moved in over year ago, the floor has had a “bounce” to it. So, we’re pulling up the floor and starting from the ground up. The previous owner had carpeted over press board that was laid on top of plastic that was over the original wood flooring. There was mold between the plastic and the press board, so it all had to be removed.

Downstairs bedroom as it appeared when we moved in.

Until next time...

New Orleans Bound

The Husbear and I are heading to Southern Decadence in New Orleans happening over the Labor Day Weekend. This will be the first time either of us have gone to an event like this, so we’re both really excited! we’re going with several friends of ours, so we won’t be going alone. We had another friend who was supposed to go as well, but just started a new job and couldn’t take off. Hopefully, we’ll have lots of stories and pictures to post after all is said and done.

Until next time...