Well, the mom-and-dad visit was interesting. Everything I thought would be said pretty much was:
that I’m living an abomination;
that it’s a sin against nature;
that I can change if I want to;
that they pray for me every day;
that I’m an embarrassment to them;
that they don’t want to tell anyone about me and they just dread someone will ask;
that there are groups that can help me to change;
that they will never acknowledge the Husbear as anything.
What’s sad (?) about the whole incident is the last one never acknowledging the Husbear] is the only thing that bothers me. I know these are their beliefs, and (for whatever reason) I respect that. I just wish they wouldn’t go pushing them down others’ throats! It took me wrestling with myself and what I was taught the first 20-some odd years of my life to get where I am today. And they tell me if I want to get out of this “life-style” they will help me. This is so not a life-style–it’s a life! It’s MY life! I just hope/wish one day they can/will acknowledge the person I love as just that–the person I love.
I’m not sure what my future relationship will be with my parents at this point, or if there will be a relationship… the Husbear and the kids are my family and come first.
Until next time...