Tag Archives: Stupidity

Pic a Day in May: May 9, 2014

And then this happened…


Who’d have ever thought?

Jim of Jim’s Stuff started the “Pic a Day in May” challenge two years ago. I did it then, and last year, and felt like I’d do it again this year. Since that’s all I pretty much post these days.

Other bloggers that I know of who are playing along:
Jim of Jim’s Stuff
Blobby of Blobby’s Blog
Sean of Idle Eyes and a Dormy

Until next time...

A Scout is…

It has taken me almost two years to write this post. Partly because other matters of life came into focus. And partly because I didn’t want to think about it, as it involves most of my growing up years. Well, as a kid. I’m still growing up.

And it’s kind of all over the place, as you’ll see. Or maybe I’ve just been staring at it so long it seems… scattered.

I grew up in Scouting. It started with Cub Scouts. I don’t remember the how or why I got involved, but I remember my mother taking me. And I know I loved it. Maybe it was the interaction with others. Maybe it was the somewhat outdoorsy stuff and crafts. I just know I had fun.

I “graduated” to Boy Scouts when I was old enough, and stayed in Scouting until after I was 18 when I graduated high school and moved from Florida to Arkansas to attend university. At that point my Scouting career stopped abruptly. Mostly because university studies came into focus, and I started battling my inner demons.

One of the big things Scouting taught me was about interacting with other people. Which is odd considering how much of a loner I can be. It also taught me about myself, whether good or bad. Almost every (good) memory I have as a child and teenager involves Scouting in some form or fashion, or something I learned from Scouting. All are something I would never choose to forget, and I hope I never do. I loved the activities and friendships Scouting had to offer. The weekend camping. The weeks or months away at summer camp. The friendships. The education. It was all great.

The man who was my Scoutmaster was like a father to me. His son and I were best friends from school and growing up. And this might sound harsh, but he was more what a dad should be than my own father was.

Most people seem surprised when they hear that I earned the rank of Eagle Scout in 1991. Or that I was in the Order of the Arrow, and attended the 20th National Order of the Arrow conference in 1988 in Colorado. Or that I attended the 1989 National Scout Jamboree in Fort A.P. Hill, Virginia. Or that I was a camp counselor for several summers at Camp Daniel Boone in Canton, North Carolina. I don’t really know why it’s a surprise though, other than it doesn’t fit into the mould of expectations people have of me, or at least it’s not the “me” they know now. But that’s for another post. Or two.

To this day I still try to live my life by the ideals that were instilled in me through Scouting. With the exception of the bigotry shown by the National Council. Granted, bigotry wasn’t something that was taught to me at the time. Or if it was, it wasn’t something I ever picked up on. I can be oblivious, after all.

I was greatly saddened by the decision of the National Council of the Boy Scouts of America in July 2012 to reaffirm their ban on openly gay Scout leaders and members:

While the BSA does not proactively inquire about the sexual orientation of employees, volunteers, or members, we do not grant membership to individuals who are open or avowed homosexuals or who engage in behavior that would become a distraction to the mission of the BSA. [link]

Was I really surprised about their decision? No. The Boy Scouts of America is a private organization that can, as affirmed by a Supreme Court ruling, set their own membership standards. And the old guys who run the BSA have chosen that it’s not okay to be openly gay in the BSA.

I personally think there is a lot of positive that Scouting has to offer kids. All kids. And unlike the National Council, it is the local leaders that make the impact. They’re the ones doing the “work”, after all. There are many local Scout councils that were not following the National Council ruling and have been and are staying inclusive: [link], [link].

But it’s still the National Council that runs the show, and gets the press.

I am glad that as of January 1, 2014, BSA is allowing gay youth to be in Scouting at least. However, once you turn 18, you’re out. If your out.

One of the points of resolution I find the most remarkable is this (bolding mine):

How does the BSA define “morally straight”?
The Boy Scout Handbook continues to define “morally straight” as “Your relationships with others should be honest and open. Respect and defend the rights of all people. Be clean in your speech and actions and faithful in your religious beliefs. Values you practice as a Scout will help you shape a life of virtue and self-reliance.”

Can you imagine how much better of a world this would be if everyone did just that?

But I’m still conflicted with the “it’s okay to be a gay youth, but not a gay adult.” As are many others.

Since that initial reaffirmation in July 2012, a lot of Eagle Scouts have returned their Eagle award. This is a huge deal, and no doubt a lot of sleepness nights occurred for a lot of Eagle Scouts.

If you aren’t familiar with American Boy Scouting’s Eagle Scout award, it might be a little hard to explain how important this story really is. Eagle Scout is a big deal. For one thing, it takes a lot of work to get the position. A scout has to earn 21 merit badges and then spearhead a community service project that they organize and manage themselves from start to finish. Add to that the fact that most kids don’t stay in scouts through high school anyway, and you end up with the award representing a relatively small and elite group. Since 1911, about 2.1 million men have earned an Eagle Scout award. And it has serious implications once you graduate high school. There are scholarships. Eagle Scouts who enlist in the military after high school can start off with a higher rank than their peers. The adult Eagle Scouts I know have told me that they’ve gotten interview call-backs or even job opportunities because the award was on their resumes. Basically, it’s more than just this medal you pick up at age 17. For many men, it’s a lifelong position—and one that demonstrates a commitment to serving others and caring for the community.

So when Eagle Scouts start returning their medals to the Boy Scouts of America, that matters. Especially when these men are making this decision because they think it’s the best way to demonstrate the values of being an Eagle Scout. [link]

Go read these letters: [link], [link], [link], [link], [link], [link], [link].

I applaud these men for what they’ve done.

And yet… returning the badge is symbolic. But it’s just that. I have a belief that once you’re an Eagle Scout, you’re always an Eagle Scout. It’s part of you. Ingrained in you psyche.

Oddly enough, I see tattoos in a similar fashion: I see them as a history book of where that person has been. Sure, that person may not be in that same spot in life as they were before, but they have a reminder of it. Like the luggage stickers of old. For example, I might not like Transfomers as much now as I did when I was a kid (fuck you, Michael Bay!). But they were a large part of my growing up and imagination, and I like having a reminder of that moment on my person in the form of a tattoo. Well, several tattoos.

Yes, I can return the Eagle badge, and the symbolism that goes along with it. I’ll always have those memories.

But do you honestly think the old men sitting in the BSA, Inc. offices in Texas really care about (maybe) a few hundred returned Eagle badges?

Or maybe I’m just too cynical… And late to the party, as usual.

The uniform still fit in 2006
The scariest thing I could think of for Halloween in 2006? An openly gay Eagle Scout!

Oh, the things I dwell upon.

Until next time...

Stereotypes & Clichés

Urspo asked:

“Have you ever written on the stereotype/cliches of being a tattoo artist?”

I have not. Until now. Ask and ye shall receive! Eventually.

I’m not really sure what stereotypes people have in mind when it comes to a tattoo artist. On top of that, sometimes it’s difficult to separate the stereotypes about people with tattoos from people who do tattoos. Although… the later mostly includes the former since most people who do tattoos have tattoos. Mostly.

The phrase “stereotypes have some truth to them” does has some truth to it but not in the way people think. That truth is not about the stereotyped but the stereotyper. Stereotypes remain alive by confirmation bias: we notice a few examples that fit the stereotype then overlook the ton of examples that do not. I don’t know if it’s human nature to do that, but we (the collective) do it.

Having visible tattoos definitely changes the way humans look at you. There are times I catch someone staring at me. Not staring in a way that they’re observing my artwork. But staring at me as a person. Making judgments about me. It doesn’t bother me now like it used to. Most of the time. But there are still times I want to just yell out, “I’m not dangerous!”

When I came into the tattooing world, first as a client and later as a tattooist, I wasn’t sure what to expect from tattoo artists. I had my own stereotypes of what I would encounter and (sadly) a lot of those were true, at least in the area I live in: misogynistic, homophobic, racist, gang-related, miscreants, hellions. Some of those adjectives are linked either with the conjunctions “and” or “or”.

My guess would be that most people think tattoo artists are a lot of the above. And some people would say partiers. Or drug addicts. And I have known a few who fit both of those descriptions. But I also knew a lot of I.T. people who were the same back in the day when I was a computer guy.

But there’s a lot of us who are just… “normal”. Granted, normal is relative. Unless you’re my relatives, then you’re far from normal.

So sexy. A man in a well-tailored suit.
So sexy. A man in a well-tailored suit.

While some of us find visible ink possibly both sexy and enhancing depending on the individual and the artwork, not everyone approves. I guess my question to you would be: what do you do or think when you see someone with tattoos? And why do you think that?

Until next time...

Pea Ridge in the News over HIV Concerns

Some of you might have read about this by now:

PEA RIDGE, AR– The Disability Rights Center of Arkansas, Inc. (DRC) claims the Pea Ridge Public School District has removed three siblings from school, two of whom have disabilities.

The group claims the students have been denied the right to attend school until documentation is provided that they are not HIV positive.


Read more:
Joe.My.God. link
thenewcivilrightsmovement link
5newsonline link
Box Turtle Bulletin

I live in Pea Ridge. All I can say (so far) is that I find what Superintendent Rick Neal has done to be appalling. And I’m fairly certain illegal. I’m attempting to find out more information from within my community about what’s going on, and why.

I can say I am somewhat surprised, but at the same time I’m not. Pea Ridge is a small town. In the South. While this area in Northwest Arkansas is more progressive than a majority of the state (thanks in part to Walmart and vendors to Walmart bringing in people from all over the US and the world), there are still many “backwoods” locals that are filled with teachings from organized religions that choose to live in the past.

If you want to email Superintendent Rick Neal, his email is: rneal@prs.k12.ar.us, or call 479-451-8181. You can find a list of his staff here if you would like to contact them as well.

I’ll post more as I find out about it.

Update @ 2:26pm:

In case the above mentioned staff list “disappears”, here is a list of the email addresses of the Pea Ridge School District officers:

Knowing how unlikely it is ANYONE will respond to emails, I suggust you call the school district at 479-451-8181.

The irony(?) is, on the Pea Ridge School District website, the footer states: “Pea Ridge School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, national origin or disability in any of its policies, practices or procedures.”

Update @ 2:35 pm:

The first news video I found of it… (also seen on thenewcivilrightsmovement.com)

Until next time...

Totally hypothetical and all: but if there was a Yeshua, and if he does come back, do you really think he wants to see the thing he was killed on chained around your neck?

Ding dong! The DOMA3 is dead…

I should probably write something extremely meaningful about today’s events. But in all honesty, I’m just hoping that one day soon I can LEGALLY marry my Husbear of almost 16 years here in Arkansas—where we have family, property, and businesses together, yet ZERO “native” protection when something happens to one of us.

For those of you who now have those protections extended to you, I am happy for you.

Baby steps, I know.

Until next time...