Tag Archives: When Zeroes and Ones Go Bad

Site issues.

Bad Waze! Bad!

I don’t know if anyone else uses Waze or not, but I do. A lot.

Lately, my iPhone has been eating battery. All because of Waze. Location services would remain on, all the time, even if I put the app to sleep, or killed it entirely.

It took me a bit, but I finally found the setting that was causing the battery drain.

There’s a setting called “Location Reporting” that was triggering the drain. I don’t know if this is a new setting, or one of those that was triggered to “on” in a recent update. But it was on, and I know I didn’t set it that way.

Location Reporting eats juice.
Location Reporting eats juice.

If you turn it off the battery drain stops, as it disables location services being on constantly when the app is not in use.

I’m just putting this out there in case anyone else is having the same issue.

Until next time...


I’m not sure what happened to my blog. But those of you who came to visit the last few days were greeted with the “under maintenance” screen. Something happened to the database for my blog, and it started returning errors that I was alerted to in the middle of the night. It took me a few days to find a backup that worked properly, but I did this morning. And here we are up and running again. Hopefully.

Until next time...

Comments Broken

My apologies to anyone who was trying to leave a comment as of late and could not. A plugin (or two) was breaking something on my site that stopped comments from going through, and would result in this message:

ERROR: Your comment could not be saved. Please try again later.

A big “Thank you!” to Blobby for letting me know, and for helping me test and fix it.

Well, hopefully it fixed it. 😉

Until next time...