Tag Archives: YouTube

Hi-Fi Friday Sunday: November 22, 2015

November’s Hi-Fi Friday / My Music Monday theme is “The Worst Song From Your Favourite Artists.” I picked the theme. And Blobby was all in agreement. Because we all hate to love, or love to hate, a good train wreck. You know, like Nickelback!

“Worst” is relative. What I might dislike, I’m sure someone out there must like. Someone at the record label must have since it hit the album.

And I’m late on this one. Partly because of being overly busy at the studio, and partly because this challenge may have been more difficult than I anticipated. I’ve gone through the entire discography of several bands I love, and some of them don’t seem to have a bad song (to me): Hootie & The Blowfish, Information Society, CAKE, Matchbox 20, Jimmy Buffett, “Weird Al” Yankovic.

What’s a guy to do?

I guess start looking through my library for other artists.

Which landed me on Big & Rich. Who I still am a fan of. But they just have a certain… niche.

But this is one of those “what were you thinking to put this on an album” moments? I understand covers. As you’ve seen, I love me some covers. But this one. Ouch. Even for Big & Rich seems a little… drunk.

It’s not executed horrifically, for Big & Rich. And I know they’re just pandering to their country audience. But it feels like they just called this one in. (Worse than I am with this post!)

I give you Big & Rich’s cover of “You Shook Me All Night Long”:

Until next time...

Hi-Fi Friday: November 13, 2015

November’s Hi-Fi Friday / My Music Monday theme is “The Worst Song From Your Favourite Artists.” I picked the theme. And Blobby was all in agreement. Because we all hate to love, or love to hate, a good train wreck. You know, like Madonna in the later years. Okay, I kid. All her decades!

“Worst” is relative. What I might dislike, I’m sure someone out there must like. Someone at the record label must have since it hit the album.

Another one of my all-time favorite bands: INXS. And just like The B-52’s last week, if there’s something INXS has done, I more than likely own it.

Again, I’m going to keep my selection to songs released on U.S. studio albums. Of which there are 12-ish. 10 of which I’ll actually consider here, as #11—Swing—was with a replacement lead singer after Michael Hutchence died. And then there was the last album they put out, which was a retelling of their old hits as sung by other artists, which I already wrote about a few years ago.

There are many bands that when you hear a song, it has a distinctive “sound” of that band. Pretty much all of INXS’ work has that distinctive sound. To me. Except for one song. It doesn’t feel or sound like INXS, even though the liner notes have it listed as being written by INXS. Every time I hear it I think it’s U2. It has that U2 feel for some reason. And I can’t say I’m a fan of U2 for the most part.

The song is “I’m Just a Man”, from INXS’ 1997 album Elegantly Wasted.

Until next time...

Hi-Fi Friday: November 6, 2015

November’s Hi-Fi Friday / My Music Monday theme is “The Worst Song From Your Favourite Artists.” I picked it. And Blobby was all in agreement. Because we all hate to love, or love to hate, a good train wreck. You know, like Whitney in the later years. Okay, I kid. Like all her years!

Worst is very relative. What I might dislike, I’m sure someone out there must like. Someone at the record label must have since it hit the album.

I’m going to start with my first favorite band. And probably my longest favorite band at that: The B-52’s.

If there’s something The B-52’s have done, I probably own it. Well, at least as far as audio goes.

So, I’m going to keep my selection to songs released on studio albums. Of which there are 8. Some purists don’t count one of the albums—Good Stuff—as Cindy isn’t present on it, but I still enjoy that one so it gets included. And one—Mesopotamia—is an extended play mini-album. Normally I wouldn’t count that one, but since the band still plays a song from it in concert, I’m including it. Which is good, because that’s where the one song that I just loathe from The B-52’s resides. In fact, it’s the only song in my collection from The B-52’s to have less than 3 stars: it gets only 1!

And I totally blame David Byrne for it. Because he produced it. Even listening to the song all I hear is him. (Can you tell I might never have been a big fan of The Talking Heads or David Byrne?)

I give you “Deep Sleep”:


I think what drives me nuts the most about the song is the weird screeching guitar bits. And the fact I feel like I’m in some hippy horror movie. Or bad 80s porn. There’s really not much difference if you think about it. The whole song just… hurts.

Until next time...

Hi-Fi Friday: October 30, 2015

The last of the Opposite Day Covers. It would seem Blobby had a more difficult time that I did with this one. But I do have a thing for covers. Although the opposite part of this did make it a little more challenging.

Blobby threw a few ideas at me for October. Of them, I was intrigued by this one: “original versions of songs that were taken and made famous by other people.” But I needed a little more definition, as it’s a fine line in my brain between “covers” and “songs made famous by others”. (I’m easily confused like that!) So Blobby clarified it as “songs that were originals that weren’t well known (or known at all). It’s almost like covers Opposite Day.” And our theme was born: “Covers Opposite Day!”

The late 80s and early 90s were big years musically for me. I was in high school, and starting to break away from what others around me were listening to and finding my own way.

I don’t know how or who turned me on to The Soup Dragons, but I was a fan the moment I listened to their 1988 album “This is Our Art”. And then came their 1990 album “Lovegod”, which pushed them into popular view. Well, popular as 1990s pop/dance music was.

A lot of people have heard “I’m Free”. I know it got some play on MTV. And multiple radio stations. And is a pretty darn catchy tune.

And it doesn’t hurt that the lead singer from The Soup Dragons grew up to be this hot bear:

DJ HiFi Sean
DJ HiFi Sean

But “I’m Free” was originally performed by Rolling Stones in 1965. Albeit with some differences.

I’m definitely more a fan of The Soup Dragons version.

Until next time...

Hi-Fi Friday: October 23, 2015

Blobby threw a few ideas at me for October. Of them, I was intrigued by this one: “original versions of songs that were taken and made famous by other people.” But I needed a little more definition, as it’s a fine line in my brain between “covers” and “songs made famous by others”. (I’m easily confused like that!) So Blobby clarified it as “songs that were originals that weren’t well known (or known at all). It’s almost like covers Opposite Day.” And our theme was born: ‘covers Opposite Day’!

That could be a wee bit challenging. Or will it? That means I’ll need to flex my music history muscle. Which is smaller than most of my other muscles.

I can’t tell you how many times I heard this song in the last half of the 90s. And 2000s. And I still like it. Something about is is creepy. Musically. And haunting. Yet it’s catchy.

I speak of Annie Lennox singing her 1995 hit “No More ‘I Love You’s’.” I don’t know if there’s anyone who didn’t catch this tune on the air. Or in a club. Or from a drag queen. Annie even won a Grammy with it for “Best Female Pop Vocal Performance”.

And yet… it was originally written and performed nine years before in 1986 by the new wave band The Lover Speaks. (I assume Annie was very familiar with it after hearing The Lover Speaks singing it since they opened for the Eurythmics during their 1986 tour.)

I think I like both versions equally. The male performance makes it even a little more creepy to me.

Until next time...

Hi-Fi Friday: October 16, 2015

Blobby threw a few ideas at me for October. Of them, I was intrigued by this one: “original versions of songs that were taken and made famous by other people.” But I needed a little more definition, as it’s a fine line in my brain between “covers” and “songs made famous by others”. (I’m easily confused like that!) So Blobby clarified it as “songs that were originals that weren’t well known (or known at all). It’s almost like covers Opposite Day.” And our theme was born: ‘covers Opposite Day’!

That could be a wee bit challenging. Or will it? That means I’ll need to flex my music history muscle. Which is smaller than most of my other muscles.

“Tainted Love”. So much taint. Or love. Or dirty love. Or something and another.

Most people know of the Soft Cell version of this song that came out in 1981, and was played like crazy in alternative dance clubs everywhere. Forever.

I always thought it was a messed up song, lyrically, in the 80s. But did you know it was originally performed by Gloria Jones in 1964? That makes it even a little more weird to me.

Until next time...