Tag Archives: YouTube

I dont’ know how I feel about the new guy

Sorry I’ve been absent as of late. There’s a lot (of crap) going on in my work life. I’m sure I’ll blog about it one of these days.

But in the mean time, I turn to music that (helps) make me happy.

One of my favorite bands is INXS (as if you didn’t know). INXS has replaced JD Fortune (thank gawd) with an Irishman named Ciaran Gribbin. Hopefully he will last a little longer than JD did, and actually write some decent songs. Here’s a couple of videos of them performing from a few days ago.

New Sensation:

YouTube Link


YouTube Link

Heaven Sent:

YouTube Link

Until next time...

Caravan Palace

My Idea Mix challenge for today: “Listen to new music. Pick up a random new artist or band and listen to a couple.”

Ironically enough, I was introduced to a band called Caravan Palace on Boing Boing today (I’m a few days behind on my rss feeds), and I fell in love with everything I’ve listened to so far.

The songs have an odd swing feel to them, modernized with some electronic bits. I’ve posted two different songs below, as they both have a slightly different energy to them, in case you don’t like one or the other.

Caravan Palace’s “12 Juin 3049”:

Caravan Palace’s “Clash”:

(YouTube link if you do not see the above embedded video .)

I think I shall be adding their album to my collection.

Until next time...

It’s the End of TV as We Know It

I think I know way too many of the references in this video. And I feel fine.

(YouTube link if you can’t see the above embed.)

Seriously though, how many people watch TV these days. At least in the traditional way of sitting in front of an actual television picking up broadcast or cable stations?

(Hat tip to Neatorama.)

Until next time...