Thursday, December 8, 2016 at 10:09 am
The Husbear says I make questionable fashion choices. I asked what is this “fashion” of which he speaks.
[igp-video src=”” poster=”” width=”500″ height=”500″ class=”aligncenter size-medium video”]
Ahoy there!!!
Look perfect to me
I have beard envy, skipper!
What was today’s catch?
You’re more Gilligan…
You’re fashion of one is perfect @erikrubright
I love that shirt! Looking good.
We’re gonna need a bigger boat!
Looking fine and not questionable in my book
@alnparksmcmom argh, me hearty. LOL
@jima828 a hot top? 😉
Looking mighty fine to me.
Fie on fashion.
What you want is ‘style’, and that you do.