Monthly Archives: June 2012

Sweet Banana… Come?

I’ve been feeling a wee bit under the weather the last three days. I woke up Wednesday morning feeling like someone had attacked my throat with a porcupine. I thought maybe it would pass, but Thursday morning saw it spread to my ears and nose. Damn it.

Now I’m medicated thanks to the doctor. Not The Doctor, but the doctor.

But music helps keep me sane. Well, what I consider to be sane. Music, and copious amounts of alcohol. Which I can’t drink according to the label on the side of the medicine bottle. So I guess it’s more music then!

I really wish I could find a decent video from this band. For ANY song of theirs. They’re apparently aloof like that.

So, I present you with a song about fruit. Or is it?

Here’s the White Ghost Shivers performing “Sweet Banana” on the streets of NOLA. Not the best audio quality when it comes to capturing her voice. But it’s one of the few videos I could find with them in it.

I heart bands that perform on the streets on NOLA. And other cities as well. Except for those Peruvian flute bands.

Luckily the song is available to listen to from their website! But I’m nice and embedded it below:

Cheeky, isn’t it?

Until next time...

Electro Swing

I’ve been on an odd music kick lately. Well, odd to pretty much every one around me at least. I really have no description of the music except for what it’s generally known as: electro swing.

I’m not really sure how it started for me, other than with this post last October. And it’s just been a downhill trip from there.

So I thought I’d share some of these finds with you. I really hope I’m not the only one out there who’s digging this.

Caravan Palace’s “Rock it for Me”: (YouTube link)

Parov Stelar’s “Jimmy’s Gang”: (YouTube link)

Lazlo’s “Busy Line”: (YouTube link)

Fm Einheit & Gry’s “Princess Crocodile”: (YouTube link)

Energie Du Verre’s “Jitterbug”: (YouTube link)

Caravan Palace’s “Jolie Coquine”: (YouTube link)

You *know* you want to go on a road trip with me!

Until next time...


I had a late night at the tattoo studio last night. Afterwards, I had to fix a dripping water shutoff valve in the Husbear’s salon. Which ended up being a major chore. But I finally got it fixed, after replacing the water line. So much for an easy task.

I spent the early part of the day doing some more things around the Husbear’s salon: swapping some water lines, installing replacement hair washing sink parts, patching a few holes from a station move, and rerunning some lighting. A maintenance guy’s work is never done I suppose.

After that, I came home and was looking around. And I realized we have the strangest fauna around our home.

Some of the guineas walking across the front porch…

The young pheasant being all inquisitive…

And a lazy kitteh sleeping in the sun…

And then I spent the rest of the day at my computer catching up on blogs, listening to some ST:DS9 episodes, downloading some television episodes for the Husbear to watch, and writing this post.

And that was how I spent my day. So far.

Until next time...