Friday morning we arose bright and early, packed our duds, and checked out of the Four Queens casino/hotel. I’m fairly certain the Husbear and I were the only two queens there.
We both noted that the demographic of a majority of the casinos on Fremont Street were old pensioners, while up on the Strip consisted of younger people. Also, most of the people that showed up on the Husbear’s “social” apps seemed to be on the Strip. It was announced that next visit, we will be staying on the Strip.
We got in the Prius and headed east towards the Hoover Dam.
We headed out first on the new bridge that bypasses the Dam, to get a view of it from a distance.
And then we headed to the Dam itself, where we got a good view of the bridge we were just on, but from underneath.
This is how I know I watch just the right amount of Doctor Who: I see Daleks.
Always know how to get out…
Art Deco Spirit Fingers!
Inside one of the generator rooms.
A baby Dalek?
This was one of several paintings that were in the dam. I found it… interesting.
Then there is the actual dam itself.
Another sign I found interesting.
The Colorado river exiting the dam.
One of several mosaics on the floor in various places in the dam.
The Husbear and I not giving a dam. 😉
And as we were leaving, I saw Bumblebee on the dam. I was hoping for a robot rumble, but alas none was to be had.
After that, we made it as far as Williams, Arizona for the evening. Since the town had little to do, and horrible cell service, we found a laundromat and cleaned done clothes. Exciting, no?
This was more or less our route for the day, from Vegas to right about where the “F” is in Flagstaff on the map:
Until next time...