In March 2011, I started on a mission.
I began watching every Doctor Who episode that exists (on DVD). In order. From the first episode that aired November 23, 1963, all the way to the most recent episode that aired on Christmas Day, 2011! That’s a total of 784 episodes. Or would be. Sadly there are 106 episodes missing, so the total of what I watched was around 678 episodes.
Here’s a short 10 minute version of the many, many, many hours I have watched.
As a kid, I was a science fiction fan. And my mother was thoughtful enough to make sure I watched PBS. Which showed episodes of Doctor Who. And so started my fascination with the Doctor.
The Fourth Doctor (portrayed by Tom Baker) was my favorite Doctor. I’m assuming he was my favorite because he was the Doctor that was playing on PBS when I was a child. I vaguely remember some of the fifth, sixth, and seventh Doctors as well, but I don’t remember liking them.
But having now watched the entire series from start to present, that all changed. Immensely. Especially with the restart of the series in 2005.
My favorite Doctor(s), in order:
Tenth Doctor: portrayed by David Tennant. Full of enthusiasm and vigor. A delectable combination of the Fifth Doctor and the Seventh Doctor. And yet, he’s his own Doctor. See, it’s all wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey! And he’s my Doctor!
Ninth Doctor: portrayed by Christopher Eccleston. Finds and sees excitement in everything. And he had a Northern accent! Because lots of planets have a North.
Third Doctor: portrayed by Jon Pertwee. Classical and well-rounded. Dashingly stylish. Almost an action hero. And he had a tattoo!
Fifth Doctor: portrayed by Peter Davison. As a kid I wasn’t a fan of this Doctor, I think because he “replaced” my favorite Doctor at the time. But having (re)watched the series, I find him to have been an exciting Doctor. Even if he did have way to many companions.
Seventh Doctor: portrayed by Sylvester McCoy. Quirky. Fun. And I loved his portrayal in the Doctor Who Movie.
Second Doctor: portrayed by Patrick Troughton. The bumbling yet loveable idiot. But extremely smart and with a purpose. I wish there were more of his episodes available. Most of them were lost due to a library purge by the BBC.
Eleventh Doctor: portrayed by Matt Smith. I just haven’t been able to get into Matt’s portrayal of the Doctor. I think in large part because I feel like it’s not Doctor Who, but the “Amy and Rory Show”. That might be changing though now that Amy and Rory aren’t around.
Eighth Doctor: portrayed by Paul McGann. He only got one episode (The Movie), but I liked his character. I think he nailed what it is to be the Doctor.
Fourth Doctor: portrayed by Tom Baker. He started out well, but by the end of his tenure he felt very… arrogant. It’s odd how the one Doctor who was once my favorite got moved so far down the list after (re)watching the entire series.
First Doctor: portrayed by William Hartnell. Overly stern and belittling. But without him we would probably not have the series today.
Sixth Doctor: portrayed by Colin Baker. The only thing I liked about this doctor was his clothing. If I was into cosplay, I’d wear that outfit! But as the Doctor, he always seemed overly condescending and belittling to those around him.
And there you have it. My Doctor. Or Doctors.
If you’re interested, here’s a video showing the Doctor regenerating:
Until next time...
I don’t know from Dr. Who (though every other gay blog seems to) except that one of them was Barty Crouse (sp?) Jr. in Harry Patter & the Goblet of Fire
If you like British humor, and science fiction, you might should give them a watch. You don’t have to start at the beginning in 1963 though. You can start with the 2005 series and enjoy it. Totally worth it.
The video of the regenerations is done by someone named Brian Rimmer. Haha!
oh, honey! Tom Baker was your favorite Doctor because he was the BEST Doctor! I remember being terrified of the Daleks when I was a kid. Then when I saw the series again as an adult, I just cackled! Such low-budget goodness! I heart Dr. Who.
I used to think he was the best. But after the re-watching, and probably a little bit of maturity on my part, his place has changed for me.
But I do love the low-budget goodness for sure.
I must admit, I totally avoided Doctor Who on PBS as a kid. I’d stumble onto it occasionally, but it creeped me out. Like HR Puff-n-Stuff and Land of the Lost did.
I never got into H.R. Pufnstuf, but I loved Land of the Lost. I need to go re-watch those now.
I must must must see these someday. And bow ties are cool now thanks to Dr. Who!
It’s a jolly good fun time, to be sure. You’ll like it! You can start with the 2005 series (unless you really want to start with the 1963 original episode).
Have you started watching “Torchwood” with “sigh” Capt. Jack Harkness? It’s a bit darker and more serious but still excellent. I just started watching “Children of Earth” and it’s great. Written by Russell Davies (Davis?) who kick-started Dr. Who back in 2005.
I <3 Torchwood. At least up until the last horrific "Miracle Day" bit. Horrible. But everything up until "Miracle Day" I love.
And did you know: "Torchwood" is an anagram of "Doctor Who". 😉