The Husbear and I are home from our trip to Florida. We got home Wednesday morning around 2:30 AM.
I’ll write a more detailed post of our escapades, or rather lack of them, in a few days. I just wanted to get this one out there so you knew I was still alive.
I “blogged” pictures of parts of the trip as it happened, but if you don’t subscribe to my “Adlibbed” RSS feed, follow me on Twitter, or visit my site directly, you may not have seen these, er, gems. If you hit up the “Big Gay Holidays” tag you can take a look at those. (And others from other events as well.)
Hopefully I’ll have that more detailed post written in the next few days.
First I have to catch up on all the blogs I follow to see what’s been going on. And then there’s the paperwork for the businesses that I need to do. There’s always so much work to do AFTER a vacation!
Until next time...
Welcome back…
Thank you very much. I need a vacation to recover from the vacation.