Well, the digital me has at least. If you can see this, then my move from my old web host to the new web host went well.
Back in October, I discovered my current web host was going out of business. I asked for recommendations, which many of you offered. Based on J.P.’s recommendation, I ended up choosing MacHighway. While I’m not a Mac guy in any way, I do like the fact that the servers are wind powered.
I first moved a couple of my “static” business websites over to them to see how that went. After not seeing any real issues, I decided I’d take the big leap and move this site over to them as well.
Which was a little more challenging.
MacHighway has excellent documentation on moving from one host to another, and all the things you need to do to make it work. I ended up having issues with both methods they document for moving WordPress sites, so I ended up doing it my own way. Which worked. 😉
As I write this post, I see a few minor things I need to figure out what’s going on with. But for the most part everything looks like it survived the move.
Until next time...
Great. Now I gotta update my blog roll.
It’s the same address. There’s nothing to update. It’s magic like that!
There is nothing like a new frock to brighten up the day.
I didn’t get that reference until tonight, when I watched Priscilla with some visiting friends and that line was used.
Dya know, if you didn’t tell us, we wouldn’t have been able to tell!
This is true. But some of my readers were interested in what provider I went with. And some of us are geeky like that.
Kind of makes me feel I should send a housewarming gift!
Rubber duckies are always accepted 😉