We’ve still had no luck keeping the kittehs out of the tree. I know I’ve had to talk the Husbear out of the trees a few times because of it. So much for “happy holiday season”.
The only “solution” we haven’t tried yet is the motion-sensing air blaster. But at $50 a setup, I’m holding off on that idea. For now.
So we have resorted to installing a temporary panel door between the kitchen and living room, and locking the kittehs in the kitchen and mudroom area when we’re not in the house, or when we’re sleeping. They are not amused. And to be honest, neither are us humans.
The tree may just come down before the holiday this year.
Hat tip to Alexander of Voenix Rising for thinking of me and sending me the cartoon.
Until next time...
Have you tried hanging it upside down from the ceiling? It would be out of reach for them, wouldn’t it…??
I could have cats (if I wasn’t allergic). I don’t put up a Yule tree.
Our ceilings in this old house are low. The downstairs ceiling is only about 8′ high. If that. So unless we put up a 3′ tall tree, the kittehs would still be able to get to it.
This is one of the reasons I love kitties! Gives me an excuse to not put up a tree.
I like that excuse. I’ve never been much of a holiday person anyway.
We never had a cat when I was growing up. We had a dog, who btw, ate tinsel off the tree. He had the shiniest poop in the neighborhood.
Don’t hate me — Starr likes to watch the tree but has never gone into it nor leaped up to bring down the ornaments. I have no idea why this is, as she normally loves things that dangle, especially toilet paper if six inches or so is left hanging from the roll.
$50 friggin’ dollars? Srsly? I think I got a “Ssscat” from PetSmart for somewhere around $19.95. Check on-line, maybe? – it’s a cheaper (and lo-ish-tech) alternative to what you are putting yourselves and the kittehs through 🙁
Yep. Almost $50! That’s the price the local pet store had. I’ll jump online and find the one you’re talking about and order it that way. Thanks!
Simple solution (but not perfect) would be to have the tree up, with nonbreakable ornaments– it cheap, ugly ornaments that you don’t care about and let the kittehs have a Christmas field day.
My three cats never bother the tree. Yours need to be spanked!