The 12 of 12 challenge was created by Chad Darnell and picked up from a number of random bloggers who then linked back to him and vice versa. Chad stopped doing the 12 of 12 links in December of 2011, so I’m linking to Blobby’s Blog as Blobby is the one who inspired me to do it.
All pictures were taken by me with my iPhone 4S. As always, click the images to enlarge if you choose.
I know, there’s 13 pictures. I couldn’t figure out which picture to cut. So you get 13.
You know, you could put those used smelly Chucks up for auction and someone who is REALLY into used smell Chucks would buy them. Or you could just send them to your favorite foot perv. You do have a favorite foot perv don’t you?
It’s covering up a small Celtic cross. The tattoo didn’t start out with the intention of being a cover-up, but after a conversation with the client about placement, it came up. And so it happened!
Red Chucks… I love them… of course I have a pair and don’t wear them enough…arghhh
Wear them. Wear them. Wear them. 😉
I hope you cleaned the turpentine out of the mason jar before you put soda in it.
That’s where the flavor comes from!
You know, you could put those used smelly Chucks up for auction and someone who is REALLY into used smell Chucks would buy them. Or you could just send them to your favorite foot perv. You do have a favorite foot perv don’t you?
I never thought about selling my Chucks before. They sadly don’t smell though.
Hmm, I think I might know of one foot guy. 😉
I am the same I have a pair of white converse, which I refuse to throw away, my feet get wet, the soles are thin and I don’t care. I love them.
I also love the Tats that you have on your legs!
I have a white pair that I’ve never worn. My plan was to paint them. Which still hasn’t happened yet.
And thank you. I love them too! 😉
I think I got all of four photos taken yesterday before I gave up.
And Chadwick is hot. Very hot.
Four is a start. In another 8 months you might be up to 12! 😉
And I can’t speak to that since he’s an employee.
I like this series… I need to do it again.
I like seeing ‘a day in the life of Erik’
And such a normal day it is, I might add. 😉
It’d be easier for me to post pictures instead of writing. Maybe one day it may come to that….
You and I have the same red treaders!
I used to not wear the red ones because with the length and thinness of my feet, they looked like clown shoes. But I’ve since gotten over that.
You should post pictures of you in yours!
Chadwick needs to do ME in his free time.
I’m sure he’d be happy to tattoo you…. 🙂
I ♥ the grim reaper tattoo.
I do to. When the client brought it to me, I soooo wanted to do it. It’s the style of tattoo I love to do!
What is the Grim Reaper covering up?
It’s covering up a small Celtic cross. The tattoo didn’t start out with the intention of being a cover-up, but after a conversation with the client about placement, it came up. And so it happened!