Mayo is the Devil’s handiwork.
But Happy Non-American Drinking Holiday To You!
I found that image online. I don’t buy Mayo.
Until next time...
//updated from summary to summary_large_image
Mayo is the Devil’s handiwork.
But Happy Non-American Drinking Holiday To You!
I found that image online. I don’t buy Mayo.
Until next time...
Like you need a holiday to drink… 😉
Or maybe every day I drink it’s a holiday?
That image is just gross. But I would like a drink tonight myself.
I think I threw up a little when I saw it.
All that Fisting lube… wasted.
You’re just nasty. 😉
I thought it was construction foam until I saw the jar.
That’s exactly why I don’t eat mayo: I’d get confused when I’m building something and maybe make a really foamy sandwich.
oh I can say something else that will ruin mayo for all.
it even makes me sick to think it. and it has nothing to do with human.
Too gross. Though I have been known to enjoy a little Duke’s now and again. If you are going to have it you might as well have the real thing.
I am not so sure Cinco de Mayo isn’t an American holiday. I’m confused on it. I do know it is rarely celebrated in Mexico, but is largely celebrated in the USA and parts of Canada. It’s to celebrate people of Mexican-American (Canadian) decent. It began in California around 1862 and spread to the rest of the county during the 1940’s. So does this not make it “American?”
However, I feel it is one of those marketer holidays like Valentines Day. It’s all about the beer companies in this case and not much more unless you are Mexican-American.
I recently learned 5/5 as a holiday is a commerically created holiday by the ( wait for it!) beer industry! They figured it could be like St. Patrick’s Day viz. you don’t need to be Irish, just drink a lot. Works for me. But with so much Anti-Mexican feelings 5/5 doesn’t feel like St. Patrick’s day per se. because they are Mexican.