Tag Archives: Arkansas

Meehoo Follow-up

In regards to the incident that resulted in that slight blemish on both my person and my psyche, I would like to thank all who commented on my post “Meehoo With an Exactlywatt“.

As y’all know, I normally reply to most comments made here. But in this case, this post was warranted.

It would seem that everyone who commented is in consensus with the Husbear about my actions. I’m still mentally processing everything that happened, and your comments have definitely helped me not to be so hard on myself.

Thank you all.

Baby steps for Erik.

Until next time...

Meehoo With an Exactlywatt

As a child, I was the puny, little nerd who was used as the ball in dodge-ball. As an adult, I still mentally feel like that on the inside. I’m not a fighter. Physically, at least. I don’t think violence solves problems. I tend to run from those kind of situations.

That being said, some of you might have seen this Facebook status update on Saturday night:

And let’s just say it escalated in a negative fashion after that point. Both the vile, nasty vulgarity spilling out of his mouth, and the anger that was building up inside of me.

I don’t remember everything that happened, but I know I said something in the parking lot to him about his derogatory and offensive language. At which point something else derogatory was said by him directed specifically at me.

I then did something I don’t do and that I’m not proud of: I shoved him. What the Hell, Erik?

And then—understandably—he swung.

I was able to duck out of the way. Mostly.

I shoved back harder, because it’s what I do apparently. And while he was down I managed to get to my truck and leave. Yes, I ran. It’s what I do. I believe there’s only three ways to win a fight: the cops show up; someone dies; or, someone runs. So I ran.

Yes, alcohol was involved. But I’ve never been known to be a hostile drinker. If anything I usually get goofy. Well, goofier than I usually am.

The Husbear says he’s proud of me for standing up the way I did. But I’m not, and my actions have weighed heavily on me this week. Even though the dumb-ass guy instigated with words, I was the dumb-ass one who physically attacked first. I was raised to be better than that.

And that “mostly” I said above? This picture was taken today, six days after the incident:

I’m not proud of that picture. It was a result of the first physical fight I’ve been in as an adult, and for that I’m not proud.

More than anything, I’m embarrassed that I let a dumb-ass, homophobic idiot get under my skin.

Until next time...

Beyond Stupid

Sometimes humans say things that are beyond stupid. We humans have our moments where our mouth disconnects from our brain. I accept that as part of our being human.

But for some reason which I have yet to fully determine, some people think they can freely express their stupidity when they enter a tattoo studio. I’m assuming it’s because of the history of tattooing in the U.S., but I can’t be certain of that. Or maybe it’s the perception people have about the attitudes and beliefs of tattooists? Or maybe it’s just because I live in the South?

Lately the stupidity seems to have gotten to the point that I am seriously considering a similar sign for the window of my tattoo studio:

Sign: If you are racist, sexist, homophobic, or an asshole... don't come in.

I would replace the word “asshole” with something a little less vulgar, like with “contemptible”. Not that anyone in these parts would probably know what that means. Maybe “hateful” would be a better word people might know?

I wonder how well *that* concept would go over here in Arkansas?

Sign: Degrading ethnic, racial, sexist, or homophobic remarks are not welcome here.

One would think with this being the 21st century, signs like these would not be needed. But sadly, I think we are far from not needing these signs.


Until next time...


I had a late night at the tattoo studio last night. Afterwards, I had to fix a dripping water shutoff valve in the Husbear’s salon. Which ended up being a major chore. But I finally got it fixed, after replacing the water line. So much for an easy task.

I spent the early part of the day doing some more things around the Husbear’s salon: swapping some water lines, installing replacement hair washing sink parts, patching a few holes from a station move, and rerunning some lighting. A maintenance guy’s work is never done I suppose.

After that, I came home and was looking around. And I realized we have the strangest fauna around our home.

Some of the guineas walking across the front porch…

The young pheasant being all inquisitive…

And a lazy kitteh sleeping in the sun…

And then I spent the rest of the day at my computer catching up on blogs, listening to some ST:DS9 episodes, downloading some television episodes for the Husbear to watch, and writing this post.

And that was how I spent my day. So far.

Until next time...

Pic a Day in May: Day 15

In my backyard, since 1958.

Jim of Jim’s Stuff started his own version of the “Pic a Day in May” challenge. So I thought I’d go ahead and give it a shot. It’s not like I can really think of anything to blog about these days anyway. So we’ll go with my life in pictures. There’s that whole “a picture is worth a thousand words” thing anyway, so that just means I need to write less. 😉

Other bloggers that I know of who are playing along:
Jim of Jim’s Stuff
Sean of Idle Eyes and a Dormy
Kelly of Rambling along in life…
Sean of Just a Jeep Guy
BuddyBear of One Step at a Time

Until next time...