Tag Archives: Arkansas

Monday, February 16, 2015 at 2:22 pm

We received a wee bit of ice and snow last night. Now it needs to go away so I can get out of the house. #shittyArkansasInfrastructure

[igp-video src=”” poster=”//erikrubright.com/media/2015/02/10963872_335562569971751_1239530139_n.jpg” width=”500″ height=”500″ class=”aligncenter size-medium video”]

We received a wee bit of ice and snow last night. Now it needs to go away so I can get out of the house.
We received a wee bit of ice and snow last night. Now it needs to go away so I can get out of the house. #shittyArkansasInfrastructure

Arkansas Legislature Passing Bills Allowing for Discrimination

Can I get a big “Fuck you!” to the Arkansas legislature?

You actually pass a bill (SB202) that blocks cities and counties from enacting anti-discrimination laws that protect LGBT people? And to sneak it through legislation by calling it the “Intrastate Commerce Improvement Act”?

A county, municipality, or other political subdivision of the state shall not adopt or enforce an ordinance, resolution, rule, or policy that creates a protected classification or prohibits discrimination on a basis not contained in state law.

Add to that HB1228 which allows for people and businesses the right to use religion to discriminate:

It is found and determined by the General Assembly of the State of Arkansas that there is not a higher protection offered by the state than the protection of a person’s right to religious freedom; and that this act is immediately necessary because every day that a person’s right to religious freedom is threatened is a day that the First Amendment to the United States Constitution is compromised.

Based on the reading of the bill, I could refuse to serve Asians with no repercussions because my religious beliefs state I shouldn’t? Or beat my wife and children because my Bible says I can?

Fuckity, fuckity, fuck.

Can we go back any further in time?

Until next time...

12 of 12, January 2015 Edition

My 37th “12 of 12”. It’s Monday. Or it was. And this post almost didn’t happen. Even though I remembered it was the 12th, I failed to take many pictures. Hence the crappy showing this month.

The 12 of 12 Challenge was created by Chad Darnell and picked up from a number of random bloggers who then linked back to him and vice versa. Chad stopped doing the 12 of 12 links in December of 2011, but passed the torch to someone else who sadly hasn’t been keeping up with it. So as always, I’m giving my shout-out to Blobby of Blobby’s Blog as he is the one who inspired me to do it. And still does.

All pictures were taken with my iPhone 5.

9:51 AM: Waking up. The first time. I went back to bed. Yes, my bedroom is that dark.
9:51 AM: Waking up. The first time. I went back to bed. Yes, my bedroom is that dark.
12:14 PM: Luna wants to play with the kittehs so bad, but the kittehs will have nothing to do with it.
12:14 PM: Luna wants to play with the kittehs so bad, but the kittehs will have nothing to do with it.
12:20 PM: I really dislike these cold, wet, dreary winter days.
12:20 PM: I really dislike these cold, wet, dreary winter days.
12:20 PM: The mail. Or lack thereof.
12:20 PM: The mail. Or lack thereof.
2:07 PM: A quick snack from Sonic, but since the foreground is blurry, you can see how dirty the inside of my truck is instead.
2:07 PM: A quick snack from Sonic, but since the foreground is blurry, you can see how dirty the inside of my truck is instead.
2:28 PM: Supply run for the studio at Sam's Club.
2:28 PM: Supply run for the studio at Sam’s Club.
4:50 PM: Meeting Mike for Monday Beveraging™!
4:50 PM: Meeting Mike for Monday Beveraging™!
6:46 PM: Drinks during the Ducks/Bucks game, which coincided with Beveraging Monday™.
6:46 PM: Drinks during the Ducks/Bucks game, which coincided with Beveraging Monday™.
6:46 PM: GypsyBuscuit and Mike.
6:46 PM: GypsyBuscuit and Mike.
6:46 PM: MAG wasn't having any part of it.
6:46 PM: MAG wasn’t having any part of it.
11:35 PM: The long back road home.
11:35 PM: The long back road home.
11:51 PM: You don't want to know why my chest is shaved. It'll never happen again. Willingly. Except to get a new tattoo there. Hmm...
11:51 PM: You don’t want to know why my chest is shaved. It’ll never happen again. Willingly. Except to get a new tattoo there. Hmm…

Until next time...

12 of 12, December 2014 edition

My 36th “12 of 12”. It’s Friday. For y’all. At least as far as the week-ending concept goes.

The 12 of 12 Challenge was created by Chad Darnell and picked up from a number of random bloggers who then linked back to him and vice versa. Chad stopped doing the 12 of 12 links in December of 2011, but passed the torch to someone else who sadly hasn’t been keeping up with it. So as always, I’m giving my shout-out to Blobby of Blobby’s Blog as he is the one who inspired me to do it. And still does.

All pictures were taken with my iPhone 5. I upgraded! Kind of. Actually, I got the Husbear’s hand-me-down when I upgraded him to an iPhone 6 a couple of weeks ago. I’m still holding out on upgrading to something current for some reason.

10:17 AM: milli looking out one of the bathroom windows through the blinds. She does this every morning when I'm getting up. And every morning, I lift the blind so she has a more clear view.
10:17 AM: milli looking out one of the bathroom windows through the blinds. She does this every morning when I’m getting up. And every morning, I lift the blind so she has a more clear view.
10:46 AM: Luna sitting on the couch. Like she also does every morning when I'm getting around. And she just stares at me the entire time like that.
10:46 AM: Luna sitting on the couch. Like she also does every morning when I’m getting around. And she just stares at me the entire time like that.
10:49 AM: The wood pile. Well, the one on the side porch. Time to refill it from the big pile. That will give the Husbear something to do this weekend...
10:49 AM: The wood pile. Well, the one on the side porch. Time to refill it from the big pile. That will give the Husbear something to do this weekend…
11:11 AM: A section of the Razorback Greenway runs next to one of the roads I take to the studio. It is used by many people to run on during their lunch hour. I saw these two running today and just started laughing. And possibly honking.
11:11 AM: A section of the Razorback Greenway runs next to one of the roads I take to the studio. It is used by many people to run on during their lunch hour. I saw these two running today and just started laughing. And possibly honking.
11:27 AM: Breakfast! A grilled cheese sandwhich. Nom!
11:27 AM: Breakfast! A grilled cheese sandwhich. Nom!
11:58 AM: Today's t-shirt of choice. I need new t-shirts, me thinks.
11:58 AM: Today’s t-shirt of choice. I need new t-shirts, me thinks.
12:51 PM: A little tattoo I did this morning. On a long, long time customer.
12:51 PM: A little tattoo I did this morning. On a long, long time customer.
7:18 PM: Sharpies!
7:18 PM: Sharpies!
8:46 PM: We needed a few groceries. I guess that's become my duties these days...
8:46 PM: We needed a few groceries. I guess that’s become my duties these days…
9:09 PM: Food. Kind of. I'm waiting for my arteries to explode.
9:09 PM: Food. Kind of. I’m waiting for my arteries to explode.
9:28 PM: Bedtime for the Husbear.
9:28 PM: Bedtime for the Husbear.
10:31 PM: The view of the living room from the under the stairs computer.
10:31 PM: The view of the living room from the under the stairs computer.

Until next time...


Oh city of Fayetteville. I just don’t understand you.

The city that the Husbear and I got married in this May, a city less than 30 miles from us, has just repealed a civil rights ordinance that would help protect LGBT citizens. The ordinance would have prohibited local businesses and entities from discriminating against employees and customers based on gender, race, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion and other factors. The City Council of Fayetteville passed the ordinance in August, but several groups opposed it and gathered enough signatures to force a special election today.

Those in favor of repeal got 52% of the vote with 7,523 ballots cast. Those in favor of keeping the ordinance got 48% of the vote with 7,040 ballots cast. I’m disappointed that so few people voted–only about 29% of the registered voters of Fayetteville. Had this not been a special election, I am inclined to think the repeal would not have happened as more people would have, in theory, voted. Even with the small turnout, I am surprised at how close the vote was.

But with backers like many of the churches in the area (politics from the pulpit, what?!) and the Duggar family, I can honestly say I’m not surprised at all that the repeal happened.

I guess I’ll no longer be spending my money in Fayetteville.

Until next time...