Tag Archives: Hawt

Drool-worthy men

Mac Daddy or Zak Daddy?

I stumbled upon this picture today:

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Holy cow! Khristofor Rossianov (a.k.a. Zak Spears) is all grown up!

I should say that I have the hots for Zak Spears now that he’s got the whole “daddy” look going on.

Here’s what Zak looked like way back in the old days.

I never was really a fan back then. Just wasn’t “my type”. But now? Well all I can say is “Helloooooo Nurse!”

And then I found the next picture.

Which makes me wonder… what do you think he’s about to say?

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I think he’s about to ask what the fastest route is to my tattoo studio. So he can get that scary weight-lifting Winnie the Pooh tattoo on his butt covered:

I would be willing to do it for trade…. 😉

And now you probably know more about me than you really wanted to know.

Until next time...

The Good and the Bad of Furry

Chest hair that has this look and texture is by far my favorite.

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Long; plenty of coverage; not to coarse. The kind you could run your hands through for hours.

Sadly, what I was genetically “blessed with” looks nothing like it. It also seems that my navel is ginormous compared to his.

Yes, I know my pants are a little low because they’re a little too big. I haven’t replaced my wardrobe entirely yet. Yea for weight loss!]

I guess I could always tattoo more hair on my chest. Hmmm….


Why is it we as humans always seem to want the things other people have and not be happy with what we ourselves have?

Stoopid humans.

Until next time...