I deleted both my MySpace account and my FaceBook account today. Over the last few months, I have found them to become quite… “high school-ish.” I originally created these accounts so I could find people from my past and visa-versa.
I think the social networking concept is a great one. I like the idea of a network where I can go and search for and easily communicate with my friends and family via message (either post or real-time).
Well, I did until the whole “applications” thing started. The “Pieces of Flair” and the “I just bought you as my pet” things got annoying enough to me that it ruined the concept of what a social network should be to me. It’s all that crap I could do without. As much as I dislike Bear411 (for reasons other than these), I like the fact that I can search for friends and easily communicate with them. Nothing else.
Then there is the web design aspect. FaceBook at least looked uniform (which did stifle self-expression). MySpace, on the other hand, propagates bad web design. Nothing like browsing to a webpage that autoplays some obnoxious song at you. Did people learn nothing from the blink tag era? Granted, most of the people using these sites probably weren’t even around when the blink tag went nuts.
Just my opinion.
Until next time...