Because I have absolutely nothing that I can think of that is worth writing about as of late, I stole this from Sean at Idle Eyes and a Dormy. It was his birfday yesterday (17 May), by the way. Go wish him a happy birfday plus 1 day!
I think there’s way too much insight about me revealed in this. And it took a whole lot of thought. Something that’s rare with me.
4 Things I need to spend more time on in my life:
1. My relationship with my Husbear;
2. My friendships, the few of which I have;
3. My craft—more time drawing and learning new techniques;
4. Building my self-confidence.
4 Things I need to spend less time on in my life:
1. Self-doubt;
2. Self-loathing;
3. Staring at a computer screen;
4. Worrying.
4 Things I wish I could spend more time on in my life:
1. Relaxing, mentally;
2. Creating;
3. Laughing;
4. Just living.
4 Things I love about myself:
(How messed up is it that I can’t think of one thing?)
4 Things I hate about myself:
1. My lack of a sex drive;
2. My inability to accept, believe and own a compliment from another;
3. My voice;
4. The way my john thomas curves.
4 Things I love that I used to hate:
1. Chuck Ts;
2. Beer;
3. Landscaping;
4. Guys with tattoos….
4 Things I hate that I used to love:
1. Organized religion;
2. Heavy/thrash metal music;
3. Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.;
4. A few specific people.
4 Things I look forward to:
1. Road trips;
2. Finishing my right sleeve and left leg;
3. The next Doctor Who episode;
4. Spending my remaining years with the Husbear.
4 Things I dread:
1. Public speaking;
2. Being in a crowd;
3. Being naked;
4. Knowing one day I will see the lifeless body of my Husbear.
4 Things I once believed in but no longer do:
1. An omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient being, call it what you will;
2. People/Humanity, in general;
3. My parents were infallible;
4. Politicians are altruistic.
4 Things I believe in that I didn’t use to:
1. Corporal punishment;
2. “An eye for an eye”;
3. Karma;
4. “A common mistake people make when trying to design something completely foolproof is to underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools.”
4 Things I love to do but I’m bad at:
1. Be sociable;
2. Let my inner-child come out;
3. To be whimsical;
4. Let the music take control.
4 Things I hate to do but I’m good at:
1. Accounting;
2. Waste time in front of a computer;
3. Act “grown-up”;
4. Being a dick.
4 Things I did that I am ashamed of:
1. Vandalized a building when I was a teenager…
2. … and let others take the fall for it;
3. Freaked out and made a scene when someone came out to me, back in college when I was still trying to figure out what I was myself;
4. That one specific tattoo I did back in the early days.
4 Things I did that I’m proud of:
1. Started—and still run—two successful businesses;
2. Became an Eagle Scout;
3. Became entirely self-employed;
4. Remodeling this old house in which we live.
4 Things I didn’t do that I regret:
1. Take piano lessons seriously as a child;
2. Make more of an effort to maintain a friendship;
3. Take pictures during that one Thanksgiving dinner that ended up being the last holiday when the Husbear’s dad was alive;
4. Say “Thank you”.
4 Things I want before I die:
1. To travel somewhere outside the continental U.S.;
2. To learn to play the banjo;
3. To be comfortable enough in my skin that I can take take a naked picture of myself and feel good about it;
4. And maybe be in a porn. 😉
Until next time...