While I agree the satellite dishes we see stuck to the side of houses and mounted on posts out in the yard are an eyesore (trust me—we have TWO of them stuck to the roof of our house!), I in no way think this is an improvement at all:
You can see the wide arrangement of other “beautifying” stickers available for your satellite dish over at satellitedishsticker.com.
Their tag-line: “Pimp your satellite dish with a Satellite Dish Sticker!”‘
Did some drunk redneck design these? Seriously? It’s like painting flowers on the hubcaps of your VW bug.
Although… maybe one of these with a large brown eye or a head-on view of some cock on it might be an interesting addition to the neighborhood.
Until next time...
Yeek! I bet those will pop up in a few gay trailer sites…
I’d order the brown eye one, but put a white tear coming from it!
I was going to say, a nice huge penis would brighten up the look of an eyesore like a dish. I know it would for me and I’m sure your neighbors would like it as well.
Actually I think you should blow up a picture of a Hustler-style, pulled-open vagina. Much more tasteless and offensive that way. And funny!
I dunno. Genitalia on the satellite dish would spark neighborhood discussions, but I doubt they’d be friendly overall. Especially if you have young children in the neighborhood, that’s too much info for young minds to process. And a Hustler style pussy spread? That’s just disgusting. Really, a penis is so much more tasteful. 😉
The image of that cat is weird. On a dish it would be too big, and look like a domesticated lion looking for the satellite. I like the idea of flower pedals on the hubcaps much better. I’m old fashioned that way.
What’s wrong with glitter and macaroni?
Just for a minute, while reading Java’s comment, I thought she said “tasty”, which would have ALSO been correct.
Honestly, the sunflower one from far away would most likely not be recognized as a dish. At my grandmas the dish was mounted in the ground on a short pole a little away from the house. In that case the flower one would have actually been pretty effective had we painted the pole green. I think they have a potential with the product… they have just chosen some of the worst implementations to sell.
@mark, @cb and @Java:
That’s funny as hell!