It’s that time of year again. Gay Days is almost upon us.
Me and the husbear at Gay Days in 2003
The husbear and I usually make a pilgrimage to the Orlando-area every year at this time. And this year we’re coming down with two friends from the opposite side of the state!
We’ll be playing the roles of tourists this year. I know we’re going to see the Blue Man Group while we’re there. And there is the Tidal Wave party on Friday. Then there’s all the theme parks and hopefully a trip to the beach one day.
I was also hoping to have time to meet up with Sorted and Mike while we are there. I think we’re going to actually have a tight schedule while we’re down there, but I’m hoping to free up some time. And I still have to make some family time to see my new niece as well as the other nephew and niece (oh, and the siblings too).
Will anyone else be down in the Orlando-area next week?
Until next time...
I wish we could be there. Would be lovely to bump into you nice guys. I hope you both have a wonderful time. I will look forward to seeing some nice pictures on your blog 🙂
I’ve never done ‘gay days’. I think it would be a blast! And really the ONLY way to see Disney now.
How long you going to be here? MaryEllen, “the most patient man “M”” and I are are going on a roadtrip to Deliverance County GayDay weekend.
I know, her and I together, in Deliverance County.
Poor “M”
Let’s just hope she doesn’t bring her camel-toein’ daisy dukes ’cause we all know with her wearing something that obscene down there will require a HAZMAT team and the EPA to remove them…I’m just sayin’.
Drop me an email regarding your trip and I will check with MaryEllen, HAZMAT, and EPA (for your protection) to see if we can meet up.
We would love to get together… even if it isn’t during the festivities.
As Sorted mentioned, like any self-respecting homo in Orlando, we’re getting out of town for said weekend. Let us know how many days you will be in town, I’m sure we could do dinner or something. I’d like that a lot.
Very much so. A giant sea of red everywhere.
@sorted and @Mike:
I hope to see you guys there!