The Husbear “schemed” with his Lesbian and got a new puppy today.
He’s named her Sophie. She’s half black Labrador, half Hound. And only 10 weeks old.
I think she’s really a horse.
Until next time...
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OH MY GOSH…she’s BEAUTIFUL!!! She looks like our dog Jake, except that she has a vagina & our Jake has a penis…ROFLMAO!!!
Thanks, D! That would be a slight difference 😉
She is beautiful. Congrats on your new addition to the family
Thank you. The Husbear seems taken with her already….
You don’t sound pleased. Hope I’m misinterpreting, because she really is beautiful!
It’s all good. The Husbear just has this way of “planning things”.
And she is a pretty dog.
Congrats on the puppy. Ah, I don’t envy the first year of having a dog. Are YOU happy about a new dog?
Thanks, mark. I’ve never been a “dog person”, but the Husbear is. But I’m good with having a new dog. I just hope she’ll be a better “alarm” than the our eldest dog is.
how awesome. i dig her. she’s beautiful.
Thank you, thank you! We just found out today that the Husbear’s Lesbian will not be able to keep her sister, so we will be adding her to the family too.
what a lovely photo
I miss having a dog. I would really like one.
Thank you. You can always adopt…?
OH WOW! She’s gorgeous! And that is such a cute pic of her. I am sure you will be a dog person in a few weeks after spending time with that little princess! Oh, and the husbear is more gorgeous than ever!!! 😉
The Husbear and her seem to fit together well so far. I found out today we would be getting her sister sometime this week, since the Husbear’s Lesbian is unable to keep her.
You realize of course, since you’re not really a “dog person” she is now going to be your best friend.
BTW, she’s absolutely fucking adorable – and just keep remembering that when she’s chewing on your furniture. hahahhahahaha
I don’t know… I’m pretty stuck in my ways as a cat person. I guess time will tell.
What a great picture, I really like the red shed in the background… just joshin’, Sophie is a gorgeous dog. Hide your shoes for the first year.. hehe
That red shed’s the well house… I thought I’d be funny and make it look like a double-wide outhouse when I built it.
She’s a jumper. With claws. Ugh!
She is adorable!! Have fun!!!
Thanks… 🙂