Well, I’ve discovered the joys of flickr. I’m always late to the party.
I’ve been uploading pics like crazy. I should probably be shot.
Until next time...
//updated from summary to summary_large_image
Well, I’ve discovered the joys of flickr. I’m always late to the party.
I’ve been uploading pics like crazy. I should probably be shot.
Until next time...
You may be late but as sexy as ever!
I only got on there a year ago when I got the iPhone. Truly a bearalicious waste of time.
Welcome. It is very addicting. oh and I sent you a friend request. hehehe
I was a bit late to the part too, Erik. It’s addicting.
Best line from The Lion King – “no, no, no, anything but that!”
I think I just spent the last few hours just randomly wandering around digitally.
holy crap! how many years of pics is this!? i added you as a friend but now i’m feeling pressured to flickr more.
btw…didn’t know about the peacocks…what exactly do you do with them?
How do I get to your flikr pages? And what the heck- is that “Its a small small world??”
Just a few years… he he. Had to upload the good stuffs I’ve been hiding 😉
The peacocks are the husbears. He likes them because they are pretty. That’s about it.
You can see my flickr picks here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/arkansascub/.
And yes, that’s the small world ride. My favorite… for tormenting others with.