I keep an emergency roll in a different cupboard in the bathroom, separate from the main stash. If we somehow manage to run out I know I can always count on my emergency roll being there. Why do I do this? Because about 15 years ago I learned the hard way it’s not pleasant to run out and I swore I would never let it happen again.
I keep an emergency roll in a different cupboard in the bathroom, separate from the main stash. If we somehow manage to run out I know I can always count on my emergency roll being there. Why do I do this? Because about 15 years ago I learned the hard way it’s not pleasant to run out and I swore I would never let it happen again.
I need to remember to do that. Of course, I will forget where I put it when I really need it. That, or the Husbear will use it and not tell me…
you have an entry for passiveaggressivenotes.com
My whole life is a passive-aggressive note. Have you not been reading this blog? 😉
I just steal Cubby’s “extra” roll that he thinks he has hidden away.
We keep extra rolls hidden under the bathroom sink, just in case.
I still think the Husbear would use them and not replace them. And then I’d be up the creek without a… tree.
How many salon owners does it take to replace a roll of toilet paper?
Nobody Knows!
*sigh*, all levity aside … that’s quite a poopy state to be in. Any paper product will do. Coffee filters are my fave, in a pinch.
I must make sure to remember not to have coffee at your home. 😉
My husband will retrieve the next roll, but has not figured out how to put it on the holder yet.
And note to self — do not have coffee at Raybob’s house.
LOL. I finally got mine trained to do that. Although sometimes he still puts the roll on backwards.
And I agree!