All posts by Erik Rubright

About Erik Rubright

A late 40-something individual living in Pea Ridge, Arkansas, USA who tends to be potvaliant. Want to know more?

“If it can be straddled, it’ll get the job done.”

While I don’t agree with everything they say and sell on their website, this is taken from the latest T-Shirt Hell Newsletter:

If it can be straddled, it’ll get the job done.

We’re all a little too desperate to categorize both ourselves and others. Forgive me if this sounds like new age douchery, but maybe we’re not gay, straight, bi, or any other label that designates sexual preference. Maybe we’re all just a bunch of idiots who like to cum.

When you were twelve you would get a boner because you weren’t properly situated in your chair and your pants were a little tight. Does that mean you like to fuck pants? No – It means pretty much anything will get the job done downstairs and we all care a little too much about what’s fuckable and what isn’t.

I agree with most of that from my observations so far of humans. It all seems to depend on who is around and watching in relation to how horny that same someone is (and sometimes what quantity of alcohol said human has in their systems).

While I do think some of us are certain of what gets us hard and what doesn’t, I think there are a vast number of people out there who would (and do) fuck anything they can get their hands—or other body parts—on… or in.

And then there are some who I wish would. Or at least would me.

As Sorted would put it: “I’m just sayin’.”

Until next time...

What’s up with those numbers?

This is a rare post for me. It’s not in my nature to post on topics that I feel others are better qualified and better spoken out about than I am. But leave it to me to not follow my own rules.

Joe.My.God. brought to my attention a recent Gallup poll which states that Americans are evenly divided on the morality of homosexuality.

I’m more interested in this:

Can someone please tell me why 70% of the polled think that divorce is morally acceptable?

Isn’t marriage supposed to have some “sanctity” about it? Isn’t that what I keep hearing as the reason as to why same-sex marriages shouldn’t be allowed?

Gawd forbid any Christian use their own theology to guide them. After all, according to Matthew 19:6:

So they are no longer two, but one flesh. What therefore God has joined together, let no man separate.

There’s also Matthew 5:32, Matthew 19:9, Mark 10:11, Luke 16:18, and 1 Cor 7:10-11 for extra guidance. I can go on….

This sampling obviously thinks married men and women having an affair is morally wrong (91%). Yet according to their own rule book, God says adultery is wrong. Yet adultery is the only reason God allows for the dissolution of marriage. (Technically there are two other valid reasons in the Big Book: death of a spouse [Romans 7:2, 1 Corinthians 7:39], and if a non-believer leaves a believer [1 Corinthians 7:12-16].)

So… is my logic flawed here? Is the incredibly high divorce rate we see today the result of so many adulterous individuals? If so, how moral can they be? Or is this ANOTHER case of picking and choosing what applies to them versus what applies to everyone else?

As best said by Mrs. Betty Bowers: “Marriages Are Like Lay’s Potato Chips to American Christians: They Can’t Stop At Just One!”

I personally think we are going about this whole same-sex marriage thing the wrong way!

Instead of pushing to legalize same-sex marriage, we should instead pass laws that forbid divorce. Well, maybe we should allow one reason for the dissolution of a marriage: proven adultery, and that’s it. We should also pass laws that state ONCE you are divorced, you are no longer allowed to marry again. EVER! You get just ONE shot at it—then you are out of the marriage pool.

Eventually there would be maybe 10,000 married couples left (half of which are probably cheating on each other anyway). Everyone else would then get screwed on tax breaks, partner benefits, legal protection, etc.—all of the things we are fighting to get for the person we love. Maybe then no one would really give a fuck who marries who.

Just my five cents. I know I’m probably going to get some hate mail about my attitude on this topic. I know it’s really about equal rights for our loved ones. I’m just trying to point out the obviously huge flaw in today’s “sanctity of marriage” argument that most American’s fall for, and why no one ever calls “them” out on it.

Until next time...