Tag Archives: Restraints

You know. Those days when it’s just not worth getting out of bed.

I so need a hug?

Ever have one of those days when you were so wound up by the end of the day you just felt the need to beat slap the shit out of someone?

Today is that day for me.

I have just been “on edge” all day today. I have felt extremely “aggressive”. Not a normal thing for me. And I have no idea why. Maybe it’s from not sleeping well the last few nights. Maybe it’s all the changes going on in my area at the GreatRetailEmpire. Maybe it’s just that time of the month?

Even as I sit here and type this, I feel that I should go run a marathon to burn off some steam.

Where’s my binkie?

Stolen from Bear Delights

Until next time...

I stand accused…?


Wednesday night while working on a client at the tattoo shop, I received a telephone call from a family member. I only took the call because I thought it was an emergency due to the recent events with my father. This family member harshly accused me of something. Precisely—they accused me of stealing a large sum of money. This family member—being the wonderful “Christian” they are—apparently is of the “guilty until proven innocent” mentality. Is it any wonder I moved all the way from Florida to Arkansas?

I did not take this money, not that the family member seems to believe this. I would never steal (at least not intentionally) and more so I would never steal from my own family. However, I have no way to prove that I didn’t do this stealing of which I am being accused. I had opportunity—to which I was unaware—and as for motive? I have no “moral” character since I am both gay and have tattoos. Two strikes against me?

I see people being suspicious and thinking less of people who have ink that is visible to the public. I deal with it every day as both a tattoo artist and as a person with ink. I don’t really understand it at all. I know the history of tattooing. I know how different cultures see tattoos. I know where the American stereotypes come from. I think it is a stereotype that will take at least another generation to dissipate. I have tattooed what I consider the full spectrum of people: from people barely scraping by, to those who make more in a day than I will in my lifetime; individuals fresh out of jail having served their mandated time, to doctors and attorneys who probably should be in jail for doing things that would keep me up at night.

We are all human. Why do we lose sight of that?

Then there’s the whole being gay “issue”. It’s a little different of a “stereotype” to me because I believe people today have a choice to be tattooed. (Yes, there are probably people who choose to be gay, but I don’t think that is the norm at all. Just as there are people who have not chosen to get tattooed but where done so by force.) People fear and shun what they don’t understand or what they see in themselves that they don’t want to publicly admit to the world. Enough people have discoursed on that over time I will leave it alone for now.

Why as humans do we have to “isolate” what’s different: people of a different color; people of a different weight; people who have decided to decorate the outside of the “temples” they reside in. Why don’t we stereotype people who’s earlobes are attached to their face versus people have dangling earlobes?

As for my “two strikes” that my family sees—I don’t think that will ever change. Their brains are now trained and hard-wired to think the way they do. I went down to Florida to see my father when he had his heart attack for what could have been the last time. It now might just be.

Until next time...

Long weekend…

It was a long weekend. I could definitely use a drink.
Booze Time

It’s not that a lot happened. I just feel drained is all. And nothing that I can really put my finger on. It’s like having credit card debt, but nothing to show for it.

I worked at the tattoo shop all day Saturday, as normal. But it was slow. Very slow. We had such a nice day—the high was in the upper 60s!—that I think most people were outside soaking it in. I personally only had one client all day.

Then I had my first tattoo “incident” occur. A client wanted a refund. But that story is for another post. That’s the first time that has ever happened, ever.

I did nothing but come home Saturday night after the tattoo shop. No drinking or anything.

Sunday was spent with the Husbear working around the house. We are in the process of remodeling the primary/upstairs bathroom. I spent the day installing trim.

Last night I couldn’t sleep to save my life. Probably some irony in that statement, but I don’t know. I couldn’t shut my brain off, and I couldn’t get comfortable. I just tossed and turned most of the night.

And now it’s Monday morning, and time to go to the day job….

Until next time...


Another one of those days. Didn’t feel great today—was up all night. I couldn’t find any sleep. Does anyone else have a hard time remembering when they actually had a good nights sleep? I do not even remember the last time I consistently slept well through the night. It had to have been before college. And a few alcohol–induced times since then.

Until next time...