The Husbear and I returned home Sunday evening after being in Dallas since Thursday for TBRU (Texas Bear Round-Up). We were supposed to stay in Dallas until Monday but the husbear has been feeling under the weather since before we left, so we drove home Sunday.
The Husbear passed out on the drive home.
We attend events like this because: a) we live in the middle of nowhere; b) all the people we know live in the middle of somewhere; c) all the above. If you chose “c”, you chose wisely.
It was great to spend time with friends who live far away that were also in attendance. Overall we had a good time. The husbear always does. He is a social butterfly that loves to wander the crowd; be overly-friendly to complete strangers; and, Big Bertha only knows what (or who) else.
I am the opposite of the husbear. I’m really not one for events like this. I have a vague sense of “not fitting in” : I am not a gregarious person; I have a hard time striking up random conversations; I don’t flirt well (most of the time I don’t even know someone is flirting with me!); and, apparently I have issues with letting others in my “personal space.” All of the things that are par for the course at events of this nature. Yes—I fill the “nerd” stereotype—I’m more comfortable behind a keyboard than in a social situation.
How does one change these aspects about themselves? Do I even worry about it and just accept this is how I am? I feel like I’m a stick in the mud (no pun intended!) when I go to these things. I observe people and their interactions, but I just can’t seem to produce the same in myself.
Damned personal growth.
Until next time...