Tag Archives: Home Re-Construction

Tales of us working on our house.

What Started As A Leak… One Month Later

It has been a month since we started the “forced” remodel thanks to the old pipes finally giving out. The old pipes in the house. Not in me. Those aren’t that old yet.

So far:

  • the water line has been entirely replaced from the well to the house, and all the water lines throughout the house have been replaced;
  • a filtration system has been installed at the well (What it’s filtered so far has been NASTY! I hate to think we’ve been drinking that for the last 8 years.);
  • a new water heater has been installed;
  • a raised concrete footing/pedestal has been poured to set the new water heater and washer and dryer upon, and a portion of the slab floor that was once sloping has been leveled;
  • new electrical lines have been installed (In doing so, I found three lines coming into the service panel that appear to not be connected to anything! What the Hell?);
  • new ceiling joists have been installed in place of the existing joists;
  • new lighting has been installed;
  • gaps have been filled and insulation has been installed!;
  • the existing HVAC duct has been diverted and tapped in to for the new area;
  • a dryer exhaust vent has been installed.

Hopefully I’ll be able to start sheetrocking the first area this weekend, if the weather cooperates. Once that is done I can move the washer and dryer from their existing location to the new pedestal, after which I can start the demolition of the area they were in so the new walk-in shower can be installed…. eventually.


And to think we’ve only really touched about 1/3rd of the area that needs to be remodeled.

Until next time...

A Heaping Pile of… Crap

I mean besides the Academy Awards.

Today’s plans were to run a new electrical line to the new remodel, and to take down another section of ceiling.

When I pulled the first part of the section of ceiling down, this is what fell upon me:

Enormous piles of crap.


We have no idea where it came from or how long it’s been there. But since it was dehydrated, we’re assuming it’s been there since before we purchased the house as there have been no openings for anything to get in since we’ve been here.

All of this after having to slither my way under the house to run some new electrical wiring to the area we are remodeling. The Husbear was kind enough to take a few pictures of me whilst I was trying to work:

The Husbear said I look like the House just pooped me out.

So nice of him, wasn’t it? I feel so… disgusting.

It’s hard to be this pretty when you feel this dirty.

We didn’t get as much done today as I was hoping to do. I guess there’s always tomorrow.

Until next time...

What Started As A Leak…

Note: Post updated 2017-02-15 to update photo locations to blog from flickr.

Some of you might remember we had another leak a few months ago outside in the main line to the house. (I tweeted about it, but I don’t remember blogging about it.) We patched it at the time, but we knew we would have to replace the water line into the house. We were hoping it would hold off until it warmed up this Spring.

So much for wishful thinking.

Some of you might have seen the following tweet a few days ago:
I hear a faint

The next morning, I got up to get ready for work. The well had run empty.

The Husbear and I decided to crack the slab in the bathroom where we could hear the flow the loudest. We were hoping to find the leak and be able to patch it.

Once we got through the extremely thin slab, we didn’t find the leak. At all. And the water lines went in a completely different direction than we expected.

Since we couldn’t find the leak, we decided we would just break up a channel in the slab to the interior wall, and then run a new water line into the house from the well. (We have already laid in the pipe from the well to the back of the house this past summer, before we started pouring a concrete deck along the back of the house. We figured we were going to have to replace it at some point.)

I had to pull the sheetrock off the wall where we would be running the waterline to. What we found was rather alarming. Frayed electrical wiring. And not just in one place. We are surprised that the house hadn’t burned down at some point.

And on top of the frayed wiring, we found mold. Lots of mold.

I’m not sure who built the shower (judging by the date on some newspaper used as “insulation” that I found, I’m assuming it was the people who owned the house immediately before us). But their DIY skills were extremely lacking. Extremely. Lacking.

The discovery of the mold and the bad wiring changed our plans. Big time. Instead of just replacing the main water line into the house, we will now have to gut the bathroom, the laundry room, and a hallway.

If you could only read my lips… they contain curse words.

We got the channel broken out Sunday, and today (Monday) we got a majority of the rooms gutted. The hardest part was probably carrying out the cast iron bathtub that had a 1954 date stamped on the bottom of it. It was damned heavy! (It now rest on our back deck for the moment.)

This is what the shower area looks like almost completely gutted. There’s all sorts of wiring that will have to be replaced. It’s all old 2 wire, with no ground! The HVAC duct was run a couple years after we moved in. I couldn’t handle no central heat and air conditioning. And those new studs and insulation you see are from the office remodel a few years ago.

We will be changing the old shower area into the new laundry room. The old laundry room will now become the new shower area for the bathroom. The Husbear is excited about getting a new laundry room for some reason. And a new bathroom.

So, the water leak has now turned into a huge tear down and remodel project. Fun times. I love our old house, but sometimes you just have to wonder if the ghosts have it out for us here.

There are more pictures over on my flickr account.

I’m sure this will keep me busy for the next few months….

Until next time...

Well, that’s a great start…

The Husbear went out to feed the animals this first morning of 2010. Amongst all the frozen tundra that is our yard with this below-freezing weather we’ve been having here in Northwest Arkansas, the Husbear noticed a “moist” spot. By moist, I mean like how a straight guy gets in a titty bar. Or how cb gets watching pro wrestling.


So the Husbear dug in the moist area, and found this:

the leak

A leak. In the 1″ water pipe that leads from the well to the house. “Leak” is probably the wrong word. More like projectile vomiting after an all night bender on New Years Eve.

The water pipe is about 50 years old from the looks of it. And heavily corroded. It was apparently struck by lightning at some point, and has some interesting carbuncles growing from it. It’s only about 6 inches below the surface. And we all know 6 inches is just not deep enough when laying pipe!

We had to drain all the water from the house before we could even start working on it. It took most of the day, but we got it patched. Mostly. It’s still a little drippy like it has Gonorrhea. But with the temperature hovering at freezing all day, working in the cold mud and water was less than fun. Sometimes that’s the down side to DIY.

The Husbear and I had luckily planned ahead and started laying a new water pipe this past summer before we poured the concrete deck behind the house. We just hadn’t planned on finishing the new line until the end of the next summer as it involves breaking some concrete in the house to bring the line inside. I guess this leak changes that schedule.


On the bright side, I did get to spend the whole day with the Husbear.

Until next time...

Who needs “Yard Crashers”?

Although it would be nice to have the “Yard Crashers” crew come do something with our yard.


This is what I spend Monday doing. Or building, actually.

This is the pergola over the side door. It’s the first of four large pergolas that will be built. The other three will over the back porch at different heights.

When completed, they will all be covered with clear (or smoked) corrugated plastic roof panels so we can use the outdoor space during rainy weather, and we collect rainwater runoff for the ponds and flowerbeds in the yard.

I’m wore out.

Until next time...

When it rains

We had an impressive—wait, that’s not the correct adjective… let’s go with phenomenal—downpour Saturday night. So much so that water made it’s way into the back of our house.

We knew sooner or later this would happen. Our house is “perched” on a cut in the side of a ridge. All the water from town up above makes its way down the ridge when it rains. Normally not a problem, as nature has pretty darn good absorption rates. Unless you get 4 inches of water rather rapidly. Then nature just barfs all over you.

The water backed up behind the house and squeezed it’s way between the foundation and the sill plate, and threw up all over our floor.

After drying that mess, nothing appears to be ruined as far as we can see. Will re-check for mold a few weeks down the line.

But we did spend ALL DAY Sunday behind the house installing a French drain to channel water away from the house. Know all good gays should know what a French drain is (that landscaping gene, right?), but if you don’t know, a French drain

… is a ditch filled with gravel, rock that redirects surface and ground water away from an area. French drains are common drainage systems, primarily used to prevent ground and surface water from penetrating or damaging building foundations.

(Taken from Wikipedia.)

The first bit of fun was digging a trench next to the foundation.

The Husbear in the trenches…

After the trench was dug, we laid landscape fabric down, then a 1″ layer of gravel, then the perforated drain pipe covered by more gravel.

Trench dug, fabric placed, hose and gravel going in…

We got about half the drain installed before we called it quits Sunday evening.

The Husbear ended up overdoing it… seriously. So much so I was considering taking him to the hospital. He was acting as if he was drunk, and was extremely lethargic. It eventually passed, but I was definitely worried for a few hours. He’s a stubborn mule sometimes.

We are both worn out. And we still have about half the trench to fill with gravel. This is the difficult part, as we’re bringing gravel up from the bottom of the driveway that washed out and using it in the drain. Thank goodness for the little John Deere tractor. But it’s still a lot of work.

I’ll post a picture or two of it when we are done Monday or Tuesday before the next big rain. And then the Husbear wants to start pouring a concrete deck back there….

Oh, and here’s a picture of me with my big hose:

Yeah, right…

Get your mind out of the gutters. And I know—I need a tan….

Until next time...