Tag Archives: Fauna

12 of 12, December 2013 edition

The 12 of 12 challenge was created by Chad Darnell and picked up from a number of random bloggers who then linked back to him and vice versa. Chad stopped doing the 12 of 12 links in December of 2011, but passed the torch to Janet Hughes who sadly hasn’t been keeping up with it. So as always, I’m giving my shout-out to Blobby of Blobby’s Blog as he is the one who inspired me to do it.

My twenty-fourth “12 of 12”. Today’s 12 is a Thursday.

All pictures were taken with my iPhone 4S.

12:07 AM: Sitting on the couch, watching some episodes of "Chopped", attempting to unwind.
12:07 AM: Sitting on the couch, watching some episodes of “Chopped”, attempting to unwind from a long day.
1:43 AM: m sleeping on the clean towels. After somehow unfolding the one she is sleeping on.
1:43 AM: m sleeping on the clean towels. After somehow unfolding the one she is sleeping on. Maybe she was trying to cover herself up like a blanket?
1:59 AM: µ on the floor at my feet as I brush my teeth, take out my contacts, and get ready for bed.
1:59 AM: µ on the floor at my feet as I brush my teeth, take out my contacts, and get ready for bed. And it looks like I need to start doing some crunches.
10:02 AM: Well, she's awake finally.
10:02 AM: Well, she’s awake finally. And so am I.
10:30 AM: One week later and we still have 6 3/4" of snow on the ground.
10:30 AM: One week later and we still have 6 3/4″ of snow on the ground at the house.
11:27 AM: One of these needs to be repaired.
11:27 AM: At the studio. And one of these needs to be repaired. Or replaced. Replaced would be easier. And then the Husbear broke one in his salon. So much for getting out of I.T.
1:55 PM: Another tattoo project.
1:55 PM: Another tattoo project.
2:07 PM: Christmas rubber duckies.
2:07 PM: Christmas rubber duckies. Not that I feel very festive.
2:09 PM: Reference materials.
2:09 PM: Reference materials.
6:14 PM: This pedal makes things go Vroommmmm.
6:14 PM: This pedal makes things go vroommmmm.
7:51 PM: Someone had some sort of accident out in front of the studio.
7:51 PM: Someone had some sort of accident out in front of the studio.
10:00 PM: "Hold to start". And I am.
10:00 PM: Home. And starting laundry. “Hold to start”. And I am.

And… a couple more hours until I go to bed. But that’s twelve pictures. 😉

Until next time...

Saturday Happenings.

A rare Saturday off for both myself and the Husbear. Of course, we have our never-ending to-do list of things to do.

A couple of weeks ago, we made our first attempt at leveling the bathroom floor. It was mostly successful. Mostly. There were a couple spots that were a little off the mark. Okay, a lot. It looked like Stevie Wonder leveled it in places.

So we grabbed another seven bags of self-leveling concrete to put down a thin top coat. Which we did this morning.

The final coat of self-leveling floor is down. And done! (Hopefully.)
The final coat of self-leveling floor is down. And done! (Hopefully.)
Shiny and wet. Just like we like it. And hopefully level.
Shiny and wet. Just like we like it. And hopefully level.

And then since I was in “go” mode, we headed to Lowe’s so I could pick up a door. Because the Husbear put the Yaksmas tree up yesterday. And we all know what the kittehs do with that!

The only solution we have found that worked, which we did last year, was to put up a door that bars them access to the living room when we aren’t present. Last year’s solution was temporary when we installed it. So this year I went with a more permanent solution. One that we could leave up year-round.

Sliding Door v2.0!

The new, and this time permanent, cat door.
The new, and this time permanent, cat door.
The door as viewed from within the living room... it just needs some paint.
The door as viewed from within the living room… it just needs some paint.

I headed back to Lowe’s again for door hardware. But I need a bolt to install it. And I don’t want to go back to Lowe’s for the third time today. It’ll have to wait.

And then some paint.

But the Yaksmas tree is secure! And the bathroom floor is (hopefully!) level!

Until next time...

12 of 12, November 2013 edition

The 12 of 12 challenge was created by Chad Darnell and picked up from a number of random bloggers who then linked back to him and vice versa. Chad stopped doing the 12 of 12 links in December of 2011, but has now passed the torch on to Janet Hughes who hasn’t been keeping up with it. So as always, I’m giving my shout-out to Blobby of Blobby’s Blog as he is the one who inspired me to do it.

My twenty-third “12 of 12”. Today’s 12 is a Tuesday. My Monday.

All pictures were taken with my iPhone 4S.

9:41 AM: I don't know if this counts as a picture, but it's what I see when I look at my phone. AND I really don't want to get out of bed.
9:41 AM: I don’t know if this counts as a picture, but it’s what I see when I look at my phone. AND I really don’t want to get out of bed.
9:44 AM: Yay for a little extra warmth in the bathroom in the morning when I wake up!
9:44 AM: Yay for a little extra warmth in the bathroom in the morning when I wake up!
9:45 AM: Someone (not me!) made a mess with the stove this morning.
9:45 AM: Someone (not me!) made a mess with the stove this morning.
9:49 AM: Self leveling concrete. Or so it says. I guess we will find out this weekend....
9:49 AM: Self leveling concrete. Or so it says. I guess we will find out this weekend….
11:26 AM: That's an odd combination, I know. But I have a need for both items. Just not at the same time.
11:26 AM: That’s an odd combination, I know. But I have a need for both items. Just not at the same time.
11:34 AM: Waiting in line at my friendly neighborhood Sonic. I'm just glad we have some sort of fast food in my small town.
11:34 AM: Waiting in line at my friendly neighborhood Sonic. I’m just glad we have some sort of fast food in my small town.
1:25 PM: The facial hair has been reconfigured. The "Duck Dynasty" and "Jihad" jokes were getting old...
1:25 PM: The facial hair has been reconfigured. The “Duck Dynasty” and “Jihad” jokes were getting old…
1:30 PM: I had to pop a ceiling tile up in my room at the studio. I'm testing a theory.
1:30 PM: I had to pop a ceiling tile up in my room at the studio. I’m testing a theory.
8:37 PM: Just pulled up to the house. And it's 24 degrees out. I'm not ready for winter. I'm never ready for it.
8:37 PM: Just pulled up to the house. And it’s 24 degrees out. I’m not ready for winter. I’m never ready for it.
11:00 PM: The digital hearth. Catching up on some recorded episodes of television.
11:00 PM: The digital hearth. Catching up on some recorded episodes of television.
11:01 PM: The fire is keeping me warm. And the house too. Considering it's 24 degrees outside at the moment.
11:01 PM: The fire is keeping me warm. And the house too. Considering it’s 24 degrees outside at the moment.
11:08 PM: Time for a glass of wine. Arkansas wine. From Mount Bethel Winery. It's called "Big Daddy Tawny Port". And it's tasty.
11:08 PM: Time for a glass of wine. Arkansas wine. From Mount Bethel Winery. It’s called “Big Daddy Tawny Port”. And it’s tasty.
BONUS: 11:22 PM: Of course, it wouldn't be a "12 of 12" without a picture of one of the kittehs.
BONUS: 11:22 PM: Of course, it wouldn’t be a “12 of 12” without a picture of one of the kittehs.

Until next time...


This happened today.

Do you know how high up that is? And now I have to go back up and fix that gap in the eaves.
Do you know how high up that is? And now I have to go back up and fix that gap in the eaves.

The shiny, that is.

When we first purchased our home, the only source of heat it had was a wood-burning stove. Which after a year was more than I could handle. I’m a city boy! I don’t like that whole having to get up at night to put wood in the fire so your water doesn’t freeze. Or your blood.

We removed the stove and all the chimney portions after we had central heat and air installed. I don’t recall the reasoning now. But I think it had to do with insurance costs at the time.

Fast forward to last year, right before winter. Our heat pump went out. And it was either $13K to replace it, or just deal with the winter using the heat strips that stilled worked. After a shocking but not surprising power bill at the end of last winter, we decided to put the stove back in.

Which required a new chimney to be installed. New, because we didn’t save the old parts when we removed it. That’s technically not true. They were just used for other projects around the house.

All that meant I had to climb a ladder and install chimney sections.

And I dislike heights. Granted, it is only 30 feet from the ground to the top of the chimney. But that is still higher than I want to be. On a ladder.

But I got it all installed without breaking anything. On myself.

We had to do a test burn while it was still warm enough to open the house up, in case of smells or other… issues.

The Husbear... keeper of fire.
The Husbear… keeper of fire.

No issues with smell. Or anything else.

Although our little girls have never seen a fire before, and one of them is particularly nosy…

milli is going to burn herself if she's not careful...
milli is going to burn herself if she’s not careful…

And then there’s me, enjoying it the only way I know how…

Me... keeper of the *derp*
Me… keeper of the *derp*

I guess it’s good to have a backup heat source in case the power quits flowing. But I won’t be happy about it.

Until next time...