Tag Archives: Husbear

12 of 12, May 2016 edition

The 12 of 12 Challenge was created by Chad Darnell and picked up by a number of random bloggers who linked back to him and vice versa. Chad stopped doing the 12 of 12 Challenge in December 2011, but passed the torch to someone who [sadly] hasn’t been keeping up with it. I am giving my shout-out to Blobby of Blobby’s Blog as he is the one who initially inspired me to do the Challenge, and he still does.

This is my 53rd “12 of 12.” A Thursday.

7:32 AM: After the Husbear wakes in the morning and leaves for the salon, Luna has started coming back upstairs and sneaking into our bed. To stare at me...
7:32 AM: After the Husbear wakes in the morning and leaves for the salon, Luna has started coming back upstairs and sneaking into our bed. To stare at me…
9:42 AM: This is more a picture reminder for me that I need to motivate myself to get to the gym. At least once. This year. And that I still have LOTS of skin that needs ink.
9:42 AM: This is more a picture reminder for me that I need to motivate myself to get to the gym. At least once. This year. And that I still have LOTS of skin that needs ink.
10:05 AM: Stopped at the grocery store to pick up some foods for lunch. So many chicken choices. I hope I don't choke.
10:05 AM: Stopped at the grocery store to pick up some foods for lunch. So many chicken choices. I hope I don’t choke.
10:54 AM: One of the routers in the studio decided to give up it's magic smoke. So it had to be replaced. Lucky for me I do tech. Still.
10:54 AM: One of the routers in the studio decided to give up it’s magic smoke. So it had to be replaced. Lucky for me I do tech. Still.
1:18 PM: The first tattoo of my day. Some people are really big Star Wars fans apparently.
1:18 PM: The first tattoo of my day. Some people are really big Star Wars fans apparently.
2:22 PM: My jack arrived today for the Jeep. Free Prime shipping, thank you Amazon. And still less expensive than I could find anywhere locally.
2:22 PM: My jack arrived today for the Jeep. Free Prime shipping, thank you Amazon. And still less expensive than I could find anywhere locally.
3:11 PM: This is becoming a tradition, apparently.
3:11 PM: This is becoming a tradition, apparently.
6:35 PM: Waiting for my client to return from the restroom. I'm not sure why I look... startled.
6:35 PM: Waiting for my client to return from the restroom. I’m not sure why I look… startled.
7:39 PM: Finished a rendering of The Trinity, an icon created by the Russian painter Andrei Rublev in the 15th century. See, sometimes I get to do actual artwork.
7:39 PM: Finished a rendering of The Trinity, an icon created by the Russian painter Andrei Rublev in the 15th century. See, sometimes I get to do actual artwork.
8:33 PM: The Jeep. On the way home, I decided to stop and take a picture of it. Because why not? Actually, I was just checking the lighting on it. Yeah, that's what I was doing.
8:33 PM: The Jeep. On the way home, I decided to stop and take a picture of it. Because why not? Actually, I was just checking the lighting on it. Yeah, that’s what I was doing.
8:56 PM: Luna thinks I have fleas, apparently. Or need to be groomed. Or whatever it is that dogs think humans need.
8:56 PM: Luna thinks I have fleas, apparently. Or need to be groomed. Or whatever it is that dogs think humans need.
9:11 PM: Tucking the Husbear into bed for the night. It's our 2 year legal wedding anniversary today. But it's a "school night", so we aren't really doing anything. And one of these days we'll get around to taking down that ivy wallpaper that was in the house when we bought it...
9:11 PM: Tucking the Husbear into bed for the night. It’s our 2 year legal wedding anniversary today. But it’s a “school night”, so we aren’t really doing anything. And one of these days we’ll get around to taking down that ivy wallpaper that was in the house when we bought it…
Baker's Dozen: 9:20 PM: milli. Snagging some time on my other leg, avoiding making eye contact with Luna who is on the other leg.
Baker’s Dozen: 9:20 PM: milli. Snagging some time on my other leg, avoiding making eye contact with Luna who is on the other leg.

And now I’ve got a few hours of drawing to do.

Until next time...

12 of 12, April 2016 edition

The 12 of 12 Challenge was created by Chad Darnell and picked up by a number of random bloggers who linked back to him and vice versa. Chad stopped doing the 12 of 12 Challenge in December 2011, but passed the torch to someone who [sadly] hasn’t been keeping up with it. I am giving my shout-out to Blobby of Blobby’s Blog as he is the one who initially inspired me to do the Challenge, and he still does.

This is my 52nd “12 of 12.” A Tuesday. Normally a day off for me, but I somehow managed to jack up my schedule and have been working six days a week the last couple of weeks. And will be for the next few. Ugh.

I’m publishing this post late because our home computer had a hard drive failure, and while I’ve replaced that, I haven’t had time to “be myself” with trying to get the taxes done and working too much.

But here you go. My weak attempt at the 12 this month.

9:36 AM: I woke up to The Husbear moving some stuff around so he can put out compost in the flower and vegetable beds.
9:36 AM: I woke up to The Husbear moving some stuff around so he can put out compost in the flower and vegetable beds.
9:58 AM: Working on getting the computer up and running. It's been saying this same thing since last night.
9:58 AM: Working on getting the computer up and running. It’s been saying this same thing since last night.
10:00 AM: The Husbear being... manly? He's back at the gym finally after the tractor accident.
10:00 AM: The Husbear being… manly? He’s back at the gym finally after the tractor accident.
11:55 AM: One of the tattoos I'm doing today. It's been a long time since I've done a Bugs Bunny tattoo.
11:55 AM: One of the tattoos I’m doing today. It’s been a long time since I’ve done a Bugs Bunny tattoo.
3:35 PM: We only made it this far before the client had to tap out. She was having a rough day today, which translates into somebody's ability to sit or not for a tattoo.
3:35 PM: We only made it this far before the client had to tap out. She was having a rough day today, which translates into somebody’s ability to sit or not for a tattoo.
3:54 PM: A picture more for myself, but these were the pigments I used on the client. So I remember to use the same ones for her next session.
3:54 PM: A picture more for myself, but these were the pigments I used on the client. So I remember to use the same ones for her next session.
4:11 PM: A little quiet time before my next client arrives. It was at this point that I realized I was starting to feel a migraine coming on. I rescheduled my next client and headed home.
4:11 PM: A little quiet time before my next client arrives. It was at this point that I realized I was starting to feel a migraine coming on. I rescheduled my next client and headed home.
4:43 PM: So many hard drive replacement decisions. On my way home, I stopped at Best Buy to pick up a replacement hard drive. I know it'd be less expensive to order it online, but I needed a new drive now.
4:43 PM: So many hard drive replacement decisions. On my way home, I stopped at Best Buy to pick up a replacement hard drive. I know it’d be less expensive to order it online, but I needed a new drive now.
7:09 PM: I had to run back to the studio to grab some files. My head is hurting a little still, but I managed to head it off with enough medication. I was trying to switch music stations, and hit the camera button instead.
7:09 PM: I had to run back to the studio to grab some files. My head is hurting a little still, but I managed to head it off with enough medication. I was trying to switch music stations, and hit the camera button instead.
7:44 PM: Attempting to reinstall Windows on the new hard drive. Buy my license wasn't working. Damn. Time for another option.
7:44 PM: Attempting to reinstall Windows on the new hard drive. Buy my license wasn’t working. Damn. Time for another option.
9:42 PM: I needed a snack.
9:42 PM: I needed a snack.
10:58 PM: I slaved the dying hard drive into The Husbear's new computer in an attempt to repair the drive enough to clone it to a new drive. ScanDisk was finding all sorts of errors.
10:58 PM: I slaved the dying hard drive into The Husbear’s new computer in an attempt to repair the drive enough to clone it to a new drive. ScanDisk was finding all sorts of errors.
Baker's Dozen: 11:16 PM: I'm tired. My brain still hurts. And I'm going to bed.
Baker’s Dozen: 11:16 PM: I’m tired. My brain still hurts. And I’m going to bed.

And now on with playing catch-up still…

Until next time...

Husbear Update

A couple people have asked as of late how the Husbear is doing, and I’ve been negligent on providing updates. Thank you for asking!

The Husbear has recovered/ing remarkably well. He’s back at the gym and on the treadmill regularly. He still gets swelling in his right leg on occasion, usually from standing on it all day at work, but nothing like the previous swelling. And he still has a large “dent” in this leg where the muscle was crushed, which will probably take years to repair itself, if ever.

And the gray hair he’s given me from this incident is coming in nicely… 😉

Until next time...

Sunday, February 14, 2016 at 12:24 pm

Going through some old boxes today, and found this, dated 1998…

[igp-video src=”” poster=”//erikrubright.com/media/2016/02/12750093_569076783247166_1705149440_n.jpg” width=”500″ height=”500″ class=”aligncenter size-medium video”]

Going through some old boxes today, and found this, dated 1998...
Going through some old boxes today, and found this, dated 1998…

12 of 12, February 2016 edition

The 12 of 12 Challenge was created by Chad Darnell and picked up by a number of random bloggers who linked back to him and vice versa. Chad stopped doing the 12 of 12 Challenge in December 2011, but passed the torch to someone who [sadly] hasn’t been keeping up with it. I am giving my shout-out to Blobby of Blobby’s Blog as he is the one who initially inspired me to do the Challenge, and he still does.

This is my 50th “12 of 12.” A Friday. Who’d have thought I would have made it this far?

It’s been a long two weeks. Trying to keep the Husbear together, the businesses running, all the normal stuff around the house, and then just my schedule of tattooing appointments. So tired. Getting up with the Husbear every couple of hours through the night is taking it’s toll. As a result, I can’t say this was a great effort on my part today of getting pictures either.

10:17 AM: Just woke up from a couple hours of sleep after getting the Husbear up and ready. I haven't really slept at all since the Husbear's accident.
10:17 AM: Just woke up from a couple hours of sleep after getting the Husbear up and ready. I haven’t really slept at all since the Husbear’s accident.
10:59 AM: I had to make a quick stop on the way to the studio at Sam's Club for some mop heads and backup gloves. It looked like a florist exploded all up in the Club.
10:59 AM: I had to make a quick stop on the way to the studio at Sam’s Club for some mop heads and backup gloves. It looked like a florist exploded all up in the Club.
12:31 PM: One of the tattoos on my appointment books today. Not quite something I understand, but I don't always.
12:31 PM: One of the tattoos on my appointment books today. Not quite something I understand, but I don’t always.
12:58 PM: A selection of pokey things I use to poke people with.
12:58 PM: A selection of pokey things I use to poke people with.
1:15 PM The Husbear--not taking things as slow as he should--has come back to work. Albeit slowly. I can't say I'm happy about it, but I have to pick my battles.
1:15 PM The Husbear–not taking things as slow as he should–has come back to work. Albeit slowly. I can’t say I’m happy about it, but I have to pick my battles.
5:30 PM: Set up for my next tattoo.
5:30 PM: Set up for my next tattoo.
5:30 PM: My next tattoo.
5:30 PM: My next tattoo.
5:30 PM: Victoria working on a client.
5:30 PM: Victoria working on a client.
5:31 PM: Alice working on a client.
5:31 PM: Alice working on a client.
8:51 PM: Colors.
8:51 PM: Colors.
9:15 PM: And security for everyone.
9:15 PM: And security for everyone.
9:28 PM: The truck needed fuel. And at $1.24/gallon. Woo hoo!
9:28 PM: The truck needed fuel. And at $1.24/gallon. Woo hoo!
Baker's Dozen: 9:57 PM: Having to feed and water the animals. Something the Husbear normally does, but since he's mostly immobile, I'm getting to do it. Only the ducks are still "awake" at this hour.
Baker’s Dozen: 9:57 PM: Having to feed and water the animals. Something the Husbear normally does, but since he’s mostly immobile, I’m getting to do it. Only the ducks are still “awake” at this hour.

Until next time...