Monthly Archives: May 2008

Tentative Tentacles Are Grabbing Me

I stole this from bstewart23. Because I LOVE IT!!! And I think the world should hear it. (And by world I mean whatever quantity of the world who actually stops by my blog.)

For some odd reason, I just cannot get this song out of my head. (This happens to me on occasion. I have learned to pay attention when it does.) I think this is perhaps the best song on their new album. Maybe their best song ever? (And what exactly does this say about my musical tastes?)

[Doing my best Kermit the Frog impression:]
Without further ado… with some added video enjoyment… VJ Tom Yaz’s vision of “Love in the Year 3000” by The B-52s. Yeah!!!….

“Love in the Year 3000” by The B-52s (Funplex, 2008)

Until next time...

My apologies to Alexander

Alexander went through a horrible experience tattoo today, and I want to offer my apologies to him as a tattoo artist.

Anyone who is permanently altering someone’s appearance should ALWAYS ASK before making any changes or additions from the original, agreed-upon plan. Especially when it alters the original design. Even if it is something the artist will think makes the piece “better”, the client should always be asked before it is done. Always!

I’m sorry you had this happen to you Alexander.

Until next time...

Close call.

Our daughter1 was in an automobile accident with a drunk driver last night. The female drunk driver ran a stop sign driving a van and plowed into our daughter’s car, tearing the front of the car off.

Our daughter is—luckily and thankfully—okay. The car is totaled. Cars can be replaced, but our daughter cannot be. Things could have tragically been much worse.

1The husbear and I have three children. All genetically his from when he was married in the long ago.

Until next time...